Interview with a Syrian Refugee in the Netherlands

--Originally published at #iTec Blog

Today I had the chance to chat with a Syrian refugee and ask him some questions about his journey to Europe and the situation in Syria. The interview was quite personal and it even lead to some tears. Thus, my interviewee asked me to blur out his voice and face. However for the sake of saving time and energy, I decided to write and article about my experience as an interviewer and what have I learned.

  1. Firstly, I learned that empathy is the key to interviewing people. If your interviewee notices that you care and you relate to his answer you have a bigger chance at getting the most sincere answer out of your subject.
  2. Let the interviewer answer personal questions, and let him know that it is OK not to answer some questions. Forcing questions on the subject might make the whole interview feel awkward and might lead to lest honesty on the subject’s side.
  3. Try and be more analytical and critical of his answers. Connect the dots between two different answers in order to make the story appealing.

These are some practical things I learned about interviewing. However I believe the most important thing I learned in this interview is how different humans are. How on his way to Europe my friend met people that are helpful, friendly, hostile, bad, good, caring, careless…

Why should you start a blog?

--Originally published at #iTec Blog

This post I will write about why Should I/You start a blog. Firstly, being inspired by this course, besides this blog site I just opened my own personal blog. But I asked my self why do I want to spend time and energy on this. So, here are some reasons why I chose to blog.

  1. Creativity
    Not only it helps you express your creative thoughts and  empty yourself writing is also proven to increase your creative inelegance.
  2. Communication and Thinking
    It helps you communicate more coherently, think clearly and structure your thoughts.
  3. The Challenge
    The sole idea that I have to keep writing every second day and update is a challenge. And challenges are what makes us humans.
  4. Learning new things
    It forces you to explore, research and learn new things. It broadens your perspective on many issues.
  5. Happiness, Freedom and Getaway
    People are happy when create something, thus Blogging can lead to happiness. Blogging gives me the Freedom to express myself without being judged. It acts as a Getaway from the real world and all its responsibilities.

Appropriate Digital Identity – Reppler Review

--Originally published at #iTec Blog

When it comes to building your digital identity and pointing out inappropriate content related to you on the web, especially on social media Reppler ( is the website that is most likely to meet those needs.

Firstly the app recognizes and pins posts or photos that are connected to inappropriate language, highlighting the “bad” words.

The second section is called “My Networks” and it rates your social network by the number of friends you have and how they behave online.

And lastly, the most important and interesting part of this tool is “My Impression” section, which assesses how others could perceive you and scores your identity based on that. It touches upon the tone of your language (what emotions you express) – positive, negative or neutral. Further more it overviews and evaluates your activity, when and how are you active. And lastly it shows which are your most common used words.

I believe this website would be useful for many students and young adults seeking to better their digital identity especially if they are looking for a job. It’s a self-evaluative tool that lets you have control and overview of your digital identity, at least on social media.