Why should you start a blog?

--Originally published at #iTec Blog

This post I will write about why Should I/You start a blog. Firstly, being inspired by this course, besides this blog site I just opened my own personal blog. But I asked my self why do I want to spend time and energy on this. So, here are some reasons why I chose to blog.

  1. Creativity
    Not only it helps you express your creative thoughts and  empty yourself writing is also proven to increase your creative inelegance.
  2. Communication and Thinking
    It helps you communicate more coherently, think clearly and structure your thoughts.
  3. The Challenge
    The sole idea that I have to keep writing every second day and update is a challenge. And challenges are what makes us humans.
  4. Learning new things
    It forces you to explore, research and learn new things. It broadens your perspective on many issues.
  5. Happiness, Freedom and Getaway
    People are happy when create something, thus Blogging can lead to happiness. Blogging gives me the Freedom to express myself without being judged. It acts as a Getaway from the real world and all its responsibilities.