Day III- The V&R map

--Originally published at Jorge's awesome blog

Today we had a talk with a some highly prepared people, like Bonnie Stewart , Autumm Caines  & Sundi Richard. We learned about the visitor and resident map, and this model is used to provide how user preference and habit motivates engagement with technology and the web. For example, posting to the wall in Facebook, tweeting, blogging, or posting comments on blogs.

This model tells us how personal our stuff is, how realle exposed we are, also people operating in Visitor mode have a defined goal or task, and select an appropriate online tool to meet their needs as they arise.

Our activity was to create our own V&R map, so, here is mine. I really think that some social networks are not tha personal, it is important as public as possible in some networks, like linkedin because in that case we are looking for a job, so, the greater the number of people who sees our profile, the higher the probability to reach our objective to get a job.
