Day V- Cyberbullying with Rebecca & Helen

--Originally published at Jorge's awesome blog

In the last day we had a nice talk about personal information and cyberbullyng with two nice ladies, Rebecca J. Hogue & Helen DeWaard. Basically we talked about the importance of keeping safe our data and keep on mind what we share on the internet.

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Kids who are being cyberbullied are often bullied in person as well. Additionally, kids who are cyberbullied have a harder time getting away from the behavior.

Cell phones and computers themselves are not to blame for cyberbullying. Social media sites can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family, helping students with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people. Whether done in person or through technology, the effects of bullying are similar.




Day IV-Video Tools & Digital identity

--Originally published at Jorge's awesome blog

Today our awesome teacher showed us some video tools and also wa had a little talk with Maha Bali.

Video editing could be very money consuming due to its requirement for large hard-disk storage, high computer performance and expensive video editing software. Because of all of these, it makes nearly impossible for end users like us (or me at least) to afford the fun of video editing. Some of video tools that I find very useful are:


Movie Masher

Editor One


Some of these video tools are extremely great beacause it is not necessary to download them, these are online tools, which help us save some space on our computers.


About the digital identity, Maha Bali told us some really interesting things, for example, nowadays more and more people are having access to the internet, years ago. our data was safer because there were fewer people. The people who has access to the internet nowadays are highly exposed, these users may also project more than one digital identity through multiple communities. In terms of digital identity management, key areas of concern are security and privacy.

Day III- The V&R map

--Originally published at Jorge's awesome blog

Today we had a talk with a some highly prepared people, like Bonnie Stewart , Autumm Caines  & Sundi Richard. We learned about the visitor and resident map, and this model is used to provide how user preference and habit motivates engagement with technology and the web. For example, posting to the wall in Facebook, tweeting, blogging, or posting comments on blogs.

This model tells us how personal our stuff is, how realle exposed we are, also people operating in Visitor mode have a defined goal or task, and select an appropriate online tool to meet their needs as they arise.

Our activity was to create our own V&R map, so, here is mine. I really think that some social networks are not tha personal, it is important as public as possible in some networks, like linkedin because in that case we are looking for a job, so, the greater the number of people who sees our profile, the higher the probability to reach our objective to get a job.


Digital presence > Digital identity

--Originally published at Jorge's awesome blog

Today we had with Lee skallerup and talk about digital presence and how to deal with the communities we create. So what’s a digital presence? It’s all that stuff you do online with your story (that’s a new name for really cool content that has a narrative). Like engaging with customers on Facebook and your blog. Tweeting. Videos on YouTube (and your website). Reviews of your products. Oh yeah, did we mention your website?

Your digital presence is the sum of all your online activities across web, mobile, social, and even large screen. It’s your advertising and your marketing, this what people think about you. Your digital presence is all about your organization. If you aren’t putting “digital first” then the people that will make your digital presence awesome probably aren’t involved.

Having a digital presence simply means that you occupy space online – simply put. 10 years ago this meant having your own company website. If you had one, you were probably quite content that your company was keeping up with the advances into digital. Defining digital presence is relatively easy and I hope I’ve conveyed my point on that.



Digital identity

--Originally published at Jorge's awesome blog

Today we had a great talk with Dave Cormier, the guy who invented the word ”MOOC”, which basically stands for Massive Open Online Course. He is an educational activist and a researcher. We talked a little bit about everything but we focused our talk in what a digital identity is.


David Cormier told us that everything we post in our social media creates what we call a digital identity, it describe us and tells others what are our beliefs. Sometimes, it can be harmful because we don’t know who is watching or reading our stuff, so, we  need to be very careful about wich information we are about share.


Having a digital indentity is an awesome way to share our experiences with other people around the world, it is revolutionary mainly because we weren’t able to do this 20 years ago, now it is a reality and is expanding everyday.