Starting iWeek-Day 1

--Originally published at iTec/iWeek

Hey guys!!!!

It is official today September 26 2016… we have just began iWeek here at Tec de Monterrey GDA #iTecGDA and I am really happy about it!

In this week we do not have regular clases instead we have different activities during the week, learning in a different way outside the classroom; learning by solving real problems in the community.

Right now I am participating in an activity with Ken Bauer about “Digital identity” and it is really interesting… that’s why I joined it. So basically is about your digital footprint on internet, social media and everything enclosed with personal information and digital devises and how to use them responsibly.

During the week I will be posting about the things are happening here in the campus and what we are learning. So do not be impatient,this blog is going to be full o interesting post and really useful information, you can also learn about and use it in your virtual life (Yes!, your virtual life because we all know that you also use at least on social media.) or even you can share this information with your fiends and family.

So see you all during the week.


Logo Semana i 


Starting iWeek with Toño.