Learning to learn

--Originally published at #iTecGDA – METANOIA

I believe the hardest part about learning from the Internet is to learn how to learn, sounds completely idiotic but it’s true. If you don’t know how to look for the information you want, if you don’t already know which sources are reputable and more importantly, if you don’t have the will and the curiosity to learn well you are screwed.

I know a lot of people that consider me a god of computers simply because I know how to google or because I can focus for 15 minutes to find a solution to my problem. It’s like typing in the search bar “acer aspire 15 fan problem solved” and then writing a date close to you is sooooo hard. Guess that’s why IT is a decent work field.

Having said that though I’d say that  the biggest site I’ve learnt from has been Reddit, it’s just such a nest of voices, a multitude of people from all over the world sharing their own personal experiences or their methodically done studies. Everyone coming together for one common motive. To be a pedantic jerk and prove someone wrong. I’ve come to realize that the best way to get the right answer to a problem you have or to earn is to write an answer you know is wrong and wait for someone to correct you.

Literally a subreddit for every team you want, you like fitness?  We have it. You like videogames? Also have it. You want relationship advice? They’ll all tell you to break up but we have them too. Dear god we even have  a subreddit called CarsFuckingDragonsFuckingCars.  I haven’t been disappointed more than a couple of times. I’ve learn from every particular interest I have and I have also acquired new ones there. Thanks to Reddit I’ve grown in wit and  lost weight. 100% if you don’t become a  Northern Aryan God you get your money back guaranteed. God do I love to ramble.

The Interview

--Originally published at #iTecGDA – METANOIA

So last weekend I went to Mexico City to a Collegiate League final of my favorite video game. It was pretty cool, everything was paid by  the company that made it (God bless you Riot Games) so we had $1000 each day for food and free breakfast buffet which made us  eat like pigs, played till 4 AM each day and had a really big suites 10/10 experience, that’s not all though. I got to meet a friend.

On the opposite team there  was a  guy who I met a couple years  ago in the Internet,  we became good friends but I never thought I’d get to meet him. I learned that he was from Tabasco and is coursing his first semester in the ITESM Monterrey, he choose ITC (Basically ISC) too and well we have kept in contact.

I won’t go all effeminate in my story so let’s get to business. Was there a difference in what he perceived from my online persona and his expectations and what he got when he met me? Apparently not, he told me I was the same autistic jokester as always (how kind of him) and he just expected me to be taller. Fair enough I’m 1.65m tall.

I expected him to be shorter…


I however have had different experiences, people who are  way kinder in person or just flat out shy. This makes me think that they create their online persona to hide themselves from the  world or they feel more comfortable and secure with themselves in their little bubble. I know I do, I’m just good at hiding it I guess. God I love to ramble.




Mostly a visitor

--Originally published at #iTecGDA – METANOIA


I have come to realize that for most of the social media I’m a visitor. I don’t really like to use it, I do it because it’s a necessity in this date and age. If you ask  me if I like Twitter, Dropbox, Instagram, SnapChat, I’d tell you “Hell no, they all suck”. I count out Facebook because it helps me stalk people some times and it’s chat function is somewhat useful. :^)

However I  do love the sites where you can still be an anonymous user, and it’s the expected thing to do so you don’t get doxxed. I’m not Alejandro Michel there, I’m MrKayne474859 or Kael or DickLord69XD or simply Anon I don’t know nor do I care really nor should you.  Because the point of it being an username or an anon site is so everyone’s opinions are valued the same.

If you say something and NarutoXSasuke says something else what is valued is the content of your comment in the dialogue and it’s discussed. Same can’t be said if it was me against  Stephen Hawking. What I’m trying to say here is… screw you Zuckerberg.

PS: Only places I can consider myself a resident and I visit out of personal and hedonistic motives are Reddit, 4chan and the like.


Conclusiones y new perspectives

--Originally published at Digital Identity

Idiomas: Español, English

Consideraría éste último día como dos partes:

  1. Introducción a la creación y edición de videos con Diego Zavala
  2. Conversación con Helen DeWaard y Rebecca Hogue.

La primera parte tenía como objetivo final que lográramos hacer un video de manera individual o en grupo, en mi caso trabajé con mi hermana en un video corto sobre la depresión desde nuestras experiencias, espero poder poner el link pronto, ya que el tiempo destinado a las clase, al intentar empezar de cero, nos tomó más tiempo del esperado. Diego nos mostró un video, de una de las plataformas que recomendó como recurso, que me pareció una excelente idea, muy creativa y que logró resonar conmigo particularmente por el tema y contexto del mundo y Estados Unidos.

Since I’ve posted two days in Spanish and two in English I thought it was adequate to write the last post in both languages.

The conversation we held with our guests consisted on what we share and why we share it. They had interesting perspectives on cyber bullying and complemented the ideas previous guests had stated. Fortunately for me they kept inspiring and pushing us to keep writing.

Before this course I had started a blog, hoping to be read but at the same time hoping not to. I’ve always been private and I tend not to share my feelings and thoughts on certain topics, so I was having a tough time fighting against myself and again, since I wouldn’t tell anyone about my blog there was no one encouraging me to continue blogging, and finally as a happy coincidence I ended up in this course.

I’m deeply thankful to all the guests and the teacher for helping me overcome certain fears I had before the course and even some insecurities, although I’m still hoping no one I know in real life reads my personal blog. Thank you for your time, insights and encouraging words. Sorry for not participating as much as you deserved, would hope or I wanted to, I’m shy.

I’ll keep blogging somewhere else.

-Day 5- Final Semana i course

--Originally published at JP Blog

This is the last day of ITec Identity course. We received Professor Diego, who taught us how to make the best video edition. We use the pictures which were taken in the Photo Safari but we also used some others pictures.

In my case, I talked about the things I like to do, things that make me feel alive and happy.

I really hope you can enjoy the video. #JPBlog

Day 5

--Originally published at Untitled.



This day started exactly like the others, with Ken giving us a introduction and an open discussion.

Afterwards, we had a guest speaker: Diego Zavala

This time it was different because it wasn’t an online hangout, but Diego was physically present.

During this time, he showed us some examples of cool videos and then we followed to make our own video with the material of the Video Safari. I had to use an online video editor (Stupeflix) because I do not have one downloaded.

Here’s my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW_ccU72hoc

10:30 – Break time

After the break, we had our final guest speakers:  Rebecca Hogue & Helen DeWaard

Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/If80p4tGNPI

And well, that was Day 5 and the last day of this week-long course.

Thank you very much.

Day 5

--Originally published at Digital Identity blog

The day began with Ken lettin us ask anything, but people was still asleep or something, because there where only a few questions. After that we saw a video on how education haven’t change much. There is always a teacher and a group of students, students show a better performance by having a teachear rather than a tv or radio speaking.

Here is a video about it:

Later that day Diego Zavala came to explain us how to make a video, but instead of showing us how to use a program for editing he show us that nowadays it’s more important to show people how to tell a story rather than how to edit it in a program.

He showed us some videos and told us that a video can be simply made by using pictures and narrating a story or having a short animation.