Day 5 Entry

--Originally published at iTec Digital Identity Blog

Día 5:

El día de hoy comenzamos con algúnas dudas sobre nuestro blog. Después Ken nos mostró un video muy interesante sobre como ha ido evolucionando la forma de educación. Se me hizo muy interesante ya que antes yo pensaba que solo iba evolucionando por la tecnología que iba evolucionando, pero no es así. El video nos dice que la mejor forma de aprender es utilizando texto, fotos y animaciones.


Fifth day iTec

--Originally published at Bruno in iTec

In the final day of iWeek we had a meeting with a man named Diego Zavala. He started talking about the evolution of digital storytelling and some experience he had. Digital storytelling is doing videos without people, just images, pictures and recordings. After that he began to explain more about the topic and its development in websites like YouTube.

During the meeting, Diego played a video only with animation and audio about a father and his experience of having his son and the future of that son. Another video had a picture of two cups of coffee, it was about a girl telling how his parents met. The last video was about a woman talking about her family, only with pictures.

Finally he requested us doing a video similar to the other ones. My video was about things I enjoyed during the iWeek course.

My Weight, My Health

--Originally published at arantza's blog

Today I’m going to write about how to watch your weight. I am no health expert, but I want to share what I did that helped me lose about 12 kilograms in a year.

So first of all, let me tell you that your health always comes first, so if you are thinking on losing weight or starting a diet, you have to be careful of not harming your physical and mental well-being.

So, what I did was that I started to be more conscious of what I was eating per day. I realized that I was eating too many bread, cookies, and chips. I also found out that I was bloated almost all the time. Above all, I was getting lazier, so I started skipping my Crossfit classes. It was very shocking when I found out that a pair of shorts I bought a few months before didn’t fit anymore. I was very upset, so I did this:

  • I stopped eating too many carbs, which means: no more bread nor pexels-photo-129574pasta (at least until I reached my ideal weight), and of course, NO JUNK FOOD.
  • Milk was causing me to bloat almost everyday, so I stopped drinking it.
  • I started to eat more vegetables and fruits, and I also drank more water than I used to.
  • I stopped skipping Crossfit!

What I did was very simple and it worked out for me just fine. So if you want to lose weight or watch your weight, just watch your calorie income. No junk food at least for a while. Once you reach your ideal weight, you can have a treat once in a while! There’s no need to suffer. Also, you have to work out at healthy-people-woman-girlthe gym or take some classes from 4 days to 6 per week. Eat fruits and vegetables, exchange your soda for something healthier like tea or naturally-flavored water. You can also have a home-made smoothie. Oh! And it is very important that you never skip a meal, for it can affect your metabolism and slow it down, making it difficult to lose weight.

But always remember, be conscious that your mental and physical health come first, so if you begin to feel bad, reach out to your doctor!


--Originally published at #iTecGDA – METANOIA

This week’s posts will be all about my Semana i course, it’s pretty cool to be honest, “Digital Identity” I do like to think I don’t have a negative one at least. I’m however not popular enough to have myself appear when you type my name in Google, which is nice.


Define where you are

--Originally published at Digital Identity

Sometimes you run into those days that they are just no good. As a quick introductory to this blog post I will start by saying that today has been a bit of that to me. First, the flu that I had for a while decided to kick in again. Second, I have no internet at home. Third, and final, the computer in which I usually work in has been updating for the past 2 hours. With that said this blog will most likely go up a little bit later than expected.

Anyways, let’s move into the actual topic of today’s discussion, which is digital interaction, and the effect of this in the physical world. Today in the course a conversation between a classmate, and our teacher Ken Bauer broke out. The classmate had the opinion that you should live in the moment, and that if you spent time in your phone you give of the idea that you’re being a little antisocial. Ken gave a completely opposite point of view in the matter. He explain that someone being in their phone doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t being social. They might be talking to someone else or giving an update of upcoming events. In this matter, I incline more to Ken’s point of view.

Something that technology has given us is a huge way of connectivity. There’s so many tool now to connect with people from all over the world that to a certain degree is unbelievable. Social media helps us to stay connected with people that are really far away. Personally, I still talk to a high school friend of mine that lives in New York, and we talk like we used to even when we lived relatively close to each other. It’s something beautiful, but like everything, there’s some bad sides.

The first bad side is that people abuse this. Yes. People abuse social media. A lot. It good to maintain an online interaction with people, but in certain cases it just gets ridiculous. I’ll give an example. Sometimes, when I’m playing with a friend of mine League of Legends I tell him to tell his brother to hope on, but he doesn’t get up, and goes to talk to his brother, no, he texts him to go online. Isn’t that too much? In my opinion, yeah. We need to learn how to responsibly use the tools that are provided to us.

The second one tackles a little bit of a cultural matter. Some people still have a bad view in modern technology. A great example can be found with my father. Now this is the second time that I mention him, but trust be, he sure is a character. My father loves technology. He’s always up to date, or at least tries to. However he is a little bit stubborn in his ways. Sometimes, he will strike into a conversation with my brother about digital interaction, because he tends to always be checking his phone to reply or talk to friends. My father has the idea that it’s more important to take in what is going on in your surroundings. Of course he knows that keeping up to date in an online environment is also important, but he does go more to the physical concept.

Now personally, I think it’s important to find a balance between real life, and digital life. What do you guys think? I’m really open to ideas about this subject.

Último día de #Semanai

--Originally published at i-Tec: Digital Identity 

Empezamos con dudas varias a Ken sobre cosas del blog, después vimos un  vídeo sobre la historia de de los medios en la educación, en el sentido de cómo a ido evolucionando. También en el vídeo nos enseño varios puntos interesantes de que es mejor para aprender, si vídeos o texto con imágenes, entre otros ejemplos.En conclusión la mejor forma de aprender fue la combinación de animación, con fotos y texto .


A pink hurricane

--Originally published at Frida Díaz

Amy Burvall is a well-know teacher that loves supporting startups that help spreading education. Since she beat breast cancer about 10 years ago, she encourages everyone into living life and having fun.

For perfectionist people, like me, she developed the term “raw thought”. A “raw thought” is the creation of a short post that is more of a draft. At the end of the draft you write the words “raw thought” which means you will make it better somewhere in the future.

She recommends everyone to spend at least half an hour a day being creative. Visuals are excessively relevant in social media communication. Do not have an intended audience, at the end of the day, anyone can see it. And most importantly, publish something that is helpful and only publish what your mother would approve.

I recommend everyone to visit Amy’s blog and twitter account. They are full of mesmerizing drawing she made herself and lot of pink details that show her feminine side. Every single one of her post is flooded with creativity and style.

Students have a voice

--Originally published at Frida Díaz

On Tuesday we had the opportunity to talk with Lee Scallerup Bessette, an Instructional Technology Specialist at University of Mary Washington. During our conversation, her main concern was to let students know that their perspective is also relevant for the Internet. Even though students are the youngest members of the conversation, they should be considered active members in the conversation.

She warmly welcomes every student to have a voice and claim their space on the Internet. She also remarks that anyone´s thoughts will change over time. It´s fine if you become embarrassed of something you said years ago, but that´s not a reason to erase it. Everyone should cherish how they felt when writing something, and how time has changed their perspective. The Internet is big enough to hold what you said, you don´t have to delete it just because you´re ashamed. But if you really feel it´s necessary, it´s fine.

I recommend visiting her personal blog and her twitter account. She also has a website in which she teaches how to do certain things inside a blog: 

Last Day!

--Originally published at Digital Identity

Terminamos la Semana i, hoy fue el último día de una semana llena de aprendizajes y pensamientos compartidos durante las conferencias y blogs que realizamos. Y bueno, hoy comenzamos hablando sobre nuestros blogs, después tuvimos un pequeño taller con Diego Zavala quién nos enseñó algunas técnicas de cómo hacer la edición de un video, nos recomendó algunas páginas para inspirarnos a editar, también en donde podríamos encontrar música libre y vimos algunos ejemplos de lo que se logra con una buena edición. Aquí mi video realizado colaborativamente con Viviana y Orlando:

Un poco de creatividad durante la sesión:


Fue un taller muy interesante y de ayuda, muchas gracias por tu tiempo y esfuerzo Ken?