Monthly Archives: January 2015

Conditional IF

1 min read


Using the conditional if… Learned

#WSQ05 Temperature #TC1017

#WSQ05 Temperature #TC1017

#WSQ03 fun with numbers, thanks to Eduardo Tostado for the help! #TC1017

#WSQ03 fun with numbers, thanks to Eduardo Tostado for the help! #TC1017


1 min read

Here I´m showing my which is a program that converts Farenheit to Celcius. All i had to do was declare tu variables, one for celcius and one for farenheit, I asked the user to enter a farenheit temperature the i did the math and return it in celcius, then a put three if´s with conditions, first one is if the water is over 100 celcius it will boil, second one if it is between 0 and 100 it will not boil and will not freeze, and the third one is if celcius is under 0 it will freezes. Here´s a screenshot of my code and the code running.


1 min read

Hello, I have done this activity.

What I had to do was research in some places to know the sintaxys about “if´s”, because the first part was very similar than with the prevoius activity, and well, my program is in the link below and  first of all I asked for the Fahrenheit Degrees to the user, after that I processed the formula C = (F – 32)/1.8, and at the end I just did ranges in the temperature to say the water state, this is the sequence of my program and I leave the link here:


And I saw some information in these links:

My previous programs.




Fahrenheit To Celsius Converter

What to do:

1. In order to make my conditional i had to investigate about the temperature of boiling water: The boiling point of wter is 100ºC or 212ºF at 1 atmosphere of pressure. 


Dropbox link to my code:


Fahrenheit To Celsius Converter

What to do:

1. In order to make my conditional i had to investigate about the temperature of boiling water: The boiling point of wter is 100ºC or 212ºF at 1 atmosphere of pressure. 


Dropbox link to my code:



I made the 20 questions about me tag =^.^=
It’s on my About me page:



I made the 20 questions about me tag =^.^=
It’s on my About me page:

#WSQ05 Temperature

1 min read

Before you start reading my post, please click this link to listen to the correct music for this: Link to video

Code down below: 

//Mauricio Cooper A01630042


using namespace std;

int C,F;

int main () {


cout << endl;

cout << “Enter a Fahrenheit Degrees Temperature” << endl;

cout << endl;

cin >> F ;

cout << endl;


cout << “Your temperature in Celsius degrees is: ” << C << endl;

cout << endl;


if (C >= 100){

cout << “Water would boil at this temperature. This crap is hot.”;



if (C <=0) {

cout << “Water would freeze at this temperature. Cold as your GF.”;


if (C > 0 && C < 100) {

cout << “Water neither freeze nor boil. Fresh as fuck.”;



cout << endl;

return 0;
