Tag Archives: #CCourses


I’m just starting using it but I think that it would be a powerful tool for my entire career.

My last image in this course, this is for all the ninja banana lovers:

Final WSQ SciLab

1017 17

WSQ 16

Link to WSQ16 code

1017 16 ##CCourses

Quiz #11

Me, after the C++ final exam 

Link to code Q2

Link to code Q1

Quiz #10


Classroom mates, if you haven’t done this, you must be out of your mind. It’s just as simple as making cereal. 


WSQ 15

This week: finish and work in all the masteries and WSQ’s that I haven’t done yet

Next week: focus on the WSQ and quiz for that week and start the final proyect

3rd week: I will be doing the rest of the masteries in order to have the 40 points and keep focusing on the sudoku code

Final week: Just put my brain into finishing the god damn sudoku, but I’ll already done all the WSQ and quizes


Quick tip for all my bros

WSQ 15

Quiz #09


WSQ 14

Estimating the value of e

Link to code