
17 17 1017

In this WSQ all we have to do it was download Scilab and play with it. So I did.

At first i didn´t have an idea of which use does Scilab had or what was the point of using it.

But i started reading the instructions and turns out it was a really fun program. I play by doing math and  some conditionals.

I really liked it, in the courses that i´m right now i am not shure if it would help a lot but i´m pretty sure that later in my career it would. In courses like math, elecricity, physics and other ones I´m shure it will be really helpful.

I wouls like to use this post to say thanks to my profesor Ken Bauer who i can honestly say  is one of the best teachers i ever had, becuase of his way of teaching which is Flipped Learning who makes you learn by yourself and be independent from your teachers, or just contact them when you really need them.

Just to make an example. This wsq isn´t really about c++ but is tool which can be really useful for some of us and Ken wants us to know how to use because of that.

Thanks for everything!

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ17 by Juan Carlos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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