Author Archives: Juan Abdiel

Pick a number

This is a program for a little game who the machine pick a random number and you need to try to get that number, but the program acount yours attemps. So if you want to get distrac and play in your free time here is the main code:

Sum in the middle of 2 numbers.

This a program to find the sum betwen 2 numbers, no of 2 intiger numbers. So if you want to see my code you can see it:

Farenheit to Celsius

This is a program to convert Farenheit temperatures to Celsius with a littly message to tell you the state of the water. My main code is here and is comment to know what I do:

Fun with numbers

For the first program…well the second progrma is this little program to sum, difference, product, integer division and the reaminder of 2 numbers that is give by  the user. My program is this, so you can see this for give you an idea:

Flipped Classroom

I think flipped classroom is a new for me and is a little bit difficult for me. Is a really big change for me because all my live I lived whit the classic system. I think for a change like this is really dificult for the student and the teacher, because for the student is a big challenge to know what I have to know at now and I really need to know….in the other hand for the teacher is try to guide all the students for the same point in differents speeds without do the work for the student.

This could helo for some students because you can move at your rythm or can be dangerous because some students need to be guide from the hand. This video can help you to understand better:

About Page

You can find my “About Page” in this link: "About Page"


 I dont remember that, but in the beging of the curse I have to signed the page one I did it in the time and in the moment when we had to do it.My sign

#TC107 This #WSQ01 is a pain of head for my but at the same time is a good challenge for me. I really want to

#TC107 This #WSQ01 is a pain of head for my but at the same time is a good challenge for me. I really want to know how ti use Linux, but the USB Live is a good way to try to get linux in your laptop/pc (in my case in a surface pro) but in the Surface pro have a rare Bios. And now I trie to make a virtual machine with Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and a video that help to me is this:

#mastery04 #TC1017 I have my blog that the page is: that I have my expectation and my twitter, and also I have a repository

#mastery04 #TC1017 I have my blog that the page is: that I have my expectation and my twitter, and also I have a repository in Github

#mastery03 My twitter is @Abdulensio and Github is A01229754 #TC107

#mastery03 My twitter is @Abdulensio and Github is A01229754 #TC107