Author Archives: Karen Zazueta

#Mastery04 #TC1014

How to submit work via GitHub.

Youtube link:

#WSQ13 #TC1014

To get the square root in this programm we used the babylonian method, wich is a way to fin it without  calculator. In this video there is a good explanation about it:

GitHub link:

#WSQ12 #TC1014

This programm can calculate the greatest common divisor of two numbers given by the user, using the Euclids method.

Here is the info of the mothod:

GitHub link:

#WSQ10 #TC1014

In this programm I worked with lists. The program asked the user for ten numbers and put them in a list. To do this I used a loop and L.appedn(v), L is the name of the list and (v) is the name of the variant.

Then I jus created de functions to get the avarage, the total and the standar deviation.

GitHub link:

More info:


#WSQ09 #TC1014

For this programm I just created a function to calculate the factorial of a number.

The factorial function means to multiply a series of descending natural numbers. For ejample:


GitHub link:

For more info:

#WSQ08 #TC1014

This video helped me a lot to understend how to use def:

#WSQ07 #TC1014

For this programm I used a while loop.

#WSQ06 #TC1014

#WSQ05 #TC1014

This temperature progran was easy. First I had to ask the user the temperature in fahrenheit with an input, then I used the formula and with if-else it can show if the water boils or not (water boils at 100 degrees celcius).

#Mastery28 #TC1014