Author Archives: LuisNajera

My #WSQ11 is ready. Find Lycherel numbers

The code is here guys, enjoy it!

My #WSQ11 is ready. Find Lycherel numbers

#ECOA ! Bonus Quiz

#ECOA ! Bonus Quiz


It’s very important to Grade Our teacher, they need to know if they are doing well.

go to :

#ECOA ! Bonus Quiz

#WSQ03 Fun With Numbers

#WSQ03 Fun With Numbers

#Mastery02 Using IDE WingIDE

#Mastery02  Using IDE WingIDE

#Mastery05 Showing your skills using Linux

Hi Everybody here is my first video Hope you Like it!

#Mastery05 Showing your skills using Linux

#WSQ06 & #Mastery05 Guess The Number And Showing your skills using Linux

Hi Everybody here is my first video Hope you Like it!

#WSQ06 & #Mastery05 Guess The Number And Showing your skills using Linux

#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.

Hi everybody!

Today I’m going to explain you how to create a “.py” file and run it with a OS Terminal, in this case I’m going to use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (And Is Awesome!).

Lets go.

  1. Downloading Atom (If you already have it you can omit this step)                                         Go to the page and choose the correct package for your OS(in my case y choose the “.rpm” archive), after you got the program install it.                                                                          #Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.
  2. Once you installed Atom, run it (When I Installed, it automatically get into my dock)             #Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.
  3. After you run it you are going to see a black page, the first you have to do in order to write python code you need to set atom in python mode.#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.
  4. When you set python as your language you are ready to code, this time I will write a very simple code, only performing an arithmetic operation and then print the result#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.                                             #Beginning of The  Code                                                                                           x=1+1
    #End Of The Code
  5. After You Write Your Code it’s time to save it, never forget to put a “.py” extension after the name of your program .                 #Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.
  6. Once you saved your code and you have it located it’s time to run a terminal and check if your terminal have installed Python3, the only thing you need to do is write down on your terminal python3 and you need to get the next message.#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.
  7. If you got that message you are ready to run your “.py” file, you only need to write “cd” and the name of the folder where you have your “py” file like in my case                     “cd Documents” respecting the capital letters and spaces.#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.
  8. Then Click enter, if the command is correct the next step is call the file but before calling your file you need to specify the language of your code in this case python3 writing “python3″and then the name of your file “python3” in my case.#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.
  9. After that click enter and enjoy the results!#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.

If you enjoy my post thank me, if you have any correction or question contact me and I will help you, thanks for reading.

#Mastery01 Create And Run a “.py” file in a OS (#Ubuntu)terminal and Atom.

#WSQ04 About Me Page

The URL to access to my “About ME” page is:

#WSQ04 it’s Done

#WSQ04 About Me Page

#WSQ02 Flipped Learning Review.

Since yesterday I was reading blogs and watching videos about Flipped Learning and I have some Pros and Cons about this method:


1.- It’s Easier to solve your questions because the teacher is there only to solve Questions.

2.- You can learn the way you prefer (Reading, watching, doing, etc).

3.- You can learn at your rhythm.

4.- You can rewind the videos all the times that you need.

and there is lots and lots of more Pros.


1.- If you don’t want to learn or you dont have dedication you are not going to learn.

2.- If you are lazy and don’t review  the classes you are going to fail.


For me The Flipped Method is better than the conventional method.

If you have any question or any affirmation for me send it to me Bro.

#WSQ02 It’s Done

#WSQ02 Flipped Learning Review.

#WSQ02 Flipped Learning Review.

#WSQ01 Installing Python.

Hello Everyone:

today I will explain you how to download Python 3.XX in some very easy steps.

1.- Head to the page

2.- Select the most appropriate product for you(for my course #TC1014 I have to use 3.XX but you can select anyone you want) if your computer is based in a 32 bits microprocessor you have to download the 32bits version if your computer is based in a 64 bits microprocessor you can download anyone (32 or 64 bits), its not relevant, python don’t need more than 200 Mb of RAM.

3.- When you already download the installer run it and select the configuration that you want (I use the Default one).

4.- When the installer finished his job now you should go to windows search in windows 8 and look for the name “IDLE”(the name of the compiler isn’t python is IDLE, python is only a Language).

5.-Run IDLE and Enjoy.

#WSQ01 Installing Python.