Author Archives: Oscar López

Creation and use of strings in Python #Mastery26

Here’s a video explaining the creation and use of strings in Python:


Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Creation and use of lists in Python #Mastery21

Here’s my video on the creation and use of lists in Python:


Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Use of loops with “for” #Mastery20

Here’s another video I made about the use of For loops in Python:


Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Nesting of conditional statements #Mastery18

Here’s a quick video explaining the basics of nesting conditions in Python:


Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Submit work via Blog RSS and GitHub #Mastery04

Here’s a video in spanish I made about submiting work using our blog and GitHub account:

Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Estimating e #WSQ14

Here’s my code for WSQ14, I did this in class with some help from Ken:


Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Babylonian Method #WSQ13

Here’s my code for WSQ13, this WSQ was pretty simple, all I had to do was some research about the Babylonian method so I could understand it and convert it into code.

Oscar Rircardo López López A01229116

Greatest Common Divisor #WSQ12

Here’s the code I wrote for WSQ12, this was pretty easy to do once you search for the definition of the greatest common divisor (Thanks Wikipedia):

Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Yo soy 196 #WSQ11

Here’s my code for WSQ11, i think this was the most complicated WSQ this far, but I really liked doing it and going through the problem solving in my head. Of course, I used some help from Ken with the code:

Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Lists #WSQ10

Here’s my code for WSQ10, done in class with help from Ken:

Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116