Tag Archives: #Algoritmo

#TC1017 #WSQ13 Babylonian Method

Babylonian Method

For this work I take reference the following link..


This link helped me to understand the procedure :D!!!

Here is to Github:


 It’s not as complicated as it seems


Hello, I have donde this wsq which is about the babylonic method, so there already an algoritm established to calculated te square root, which is a loops.

I found the algoritm of this method in wikipedia: Cálculo de la raíz cuadrada      http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A1lculo_de_la_ra%C3%ADz_cuadrada#Algoritmo_babil.C3.B3nico and that is how I helped me, but in reality you only need to undestand the algoritm and after that ask the value to the user.

I made it in a funtion:


my code is here:
