Tag Archives: #done

Sudoku Final Project

This is my final post, and it’s about my sudoku program

At the beggining, I fount it kind of impossible to finish, because the code scared the s#%t out of me, but it was not at hard as it is.

We just needed a little help of friends and of course the teachers help in order to understand this thing and make it work.

I’m not gonna lie, it took us a lot of time, most of it founding where was the damn problem at the time to compile it, but it was a very nice experience.

So that was it, this might be my last post so I will leave this image down below to remenber that we all are like ninjas, and also because, well sudoku dude.

Ninja banana forever !!!

Link to my code


#mastery04 #TC1017 mauriciocoopera.withknown.com #done #myblog #toomanyhashtags

#mastery04 #TC1017 mauriciocoopera.withknown.com #done #myblog #toomanyhashtags