Tag Archives: #wsq14

Estimating e… C++

Here’s the code in GitHub.

And a screenShot 🙂


WSQ14 – Estimating e




Hi, I have finished my wsq14, so it had a part I didn’t (maybe don’t) understand at all but I could achieve it by checking the link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11208971/round-a-float-to-a-given-precision/11209099#11209099, furthermore in this wsq I could take a part of a previous activity, well I will leave my code in the next link:





Hi, I have finished my wsq14, so it had a part I didn’t (maybe don’t) understand at all but I could achieve it by checking the link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11208971/round-a-float-to-a-given-precision/11209099#11209099, furthermore in this wsq I could take a part of a previous activity, well I will leave my code in the next link:




Hey everyone, here is my code

Actually my code didn’t compile, so  I cheked my colleagues videos and activities and now 

I understand the reason of mine didn’t compile. Flipped learning WORKS!



LINK: https://github.com/JairBarragan/WSQs/blob/master/WSQ14


I cant really know if this program will run or not, i made it on a computer of a hotel in monterrey and i do not have time to download cigwin, but here is my code:


#wsq14 Estimating e

for this wsq i had to made a function that calculate e and giveme with the decimal points that I wanted.

this is my code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwvwguqjr1h3dpt/wsq14.py?dl=0

Is in dropbox, because I had some problems with my repository in github, I will fixed.


In this program you need to estimate the constant “e”, to do this you need to ask the user the number of decimals points, and that will be your precision.

If you want to know about the formula that we are going to use and things about that, you can check this page: http://www.iboenweb.com/ibo/docs/Demostracion%20de%20Formula%20de%20Euler.htm

To organize the program I created a function called factorial, to calculate the factorial that will be introduced in the function calculateE.

The function calculateE is float, because is going to return a non integer number.

The loop do-while, inside the function calculateE, is useful to add the value according with the formula, but this loop will depend by the precision that the user wants.

Finally, you need to truncate the number calculated depending by the precision asked.

Here you can see my code and the program working.

If you don’t know how to round a float, you can check this page: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11208971/round-a-float-to-a-given-precision/11209099#11209099

Also, here you can find my code:

GitHub: https://github.com/taniaprogram/SolvingProblemsWithProgramming/blob/master/Euler.cpp

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-NM4ghaDXBvUEw5RE9nTVZrTjQ/view?usp=sharing