Tag Archives: #wsq14

Hey gusy here is my WSQ014


in this program i had to change the awnser of float to str, i did this to put  the decimals that the users want, here is it https://github.com/juanheuforico/WSQ/blob/master/WSQ14.py



in this program i had to change the awnser of float to str, i did this to put  the decimals that the users want, here is it https://github.com/juanheuforico/WSQ/blob/master/WSQ14.py



in this program i had to change the awnser of float to str, i did this to put  the decimals that the users want, here is it https://github.com/juanheuforico/WSQ/blob/master/WSQ14.py


WSQ14. Calculate e

For this wsq I had to create a program that calculate the arithmetic value for “e”, using the infinite series.

First I created a function for calculating the factorial of a number and then another function for calculating the number “e” in which I used the function I created first.

The way of calculating “e” is adding 1+ 1 over the factorial of 1 + 1 over the factorial of 2 and so on until the last two numbers were the same. So, I created a while loop to recreate this behavior.

Also, the function asked for certain accuracy of the number, so using the built in function “round” I could return the number  “e” with certain number of numbers after the decimal point.

Here is the link to my code:https://github.com/Manuelmv94/TC1014/blob/master/wsq14.py


The , at first i thought it was just to make a program which the user choose which exponent put to de e and give him the result, then i read it with more attention, and i saw what is was about.

Well in this wsq my recommendation is to search where does the number e come from and how to calculate in math and then just pass it to c++, noticed that i used three libraries.

Here is my code in dropbox cause my github isn´t working, hope you learn from it. Don´t be afraid to ask!




Hello everybody:

Here´s the Github link of my WSQ14 (estimating e). 


#WSQ14 #TC1017


In this assignment you will estimate the mathematical constant e. You should create a function called calculuate_e which receives one parameter called precision that should specify the number of decimal points of accuracy.

Euler constant – WSQ14


The e constant is given by: sum [0, inf] of { 1/n! }. This number is generally fixed to 2.72. This program calculates this infite series and prints it with a desired number of decimal values.


Here´s the link for my gitHub code.


Let me know if you have any questions.





Estimating e

En esta ocasión lo que se nos pedía era hacer un programa para estimar e, con una variante de precisión, utilizando ciclos for y recusión, finalmente encontre ayuda con un compañero y aquí esta mi programa funcionando:

Aquí esta mi código en Github: https://github.com/fernandoaguirrer/TC1017/blob/master/WSQ14.md