·Hello World· #WSQ02

After setting up my computer, I had the task of writing the basic code of “Hello World” in C++. The last time I wrote a code in C++ was when I was in high school so there were things that I didn’t remember at all. I had to search the basic commands for C++ and learn them again. After few minutes of writing, my code worked.

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-19 a las 11.57.21


Captura de pantalla 2016-01-19 a las 11.51.04


Alex H.


Another Sunrise over the Alps by Rogg4n Link on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128294308@N05/24294566811/in/explore-2016-01-14/

CC BY-SA 4.0 ·Hello World· #WSQ02 by alexhfoo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.