Random number generator

Our next task was to build a random number generator wth a C++ program. This was the first time I ever did something like that. I tried unsuccesfully to do it by myself at first, but I just couldn´t figure out what to do. So I decided to check what the Oracle of Google had for me. I came up with this information, basically the first webpage on the list. I also checked out a video from my  Yankee tutor on Youtube, thenewboston. 

The program basically works with a do while loop, so you can keep guessing until you hit the correct number. Also, I you miss, it is programmed to tell you wether you gave a higher number or a lower number. I did this with an If cycle.

  • About the random number, it works with the function rand, contained in the header #include <stdlib.h>
  • In order fot the numbers to never be predictive, I used the function time, as a paramater of srand. As a paramater of time  I used 0, as thenewboston explained, this would make the time to use he number of seconds since it was developed, probably in the 70´s. PEACE.
  • So, now the numbers should be really hard to predict.
  • In order to only get random numbers between 0 and 100, we had to use the modulus 100 + 1 of the function rand()

So no more talking, the code can tell a thousend words

“Dead men tell no tales” ARGGGHH

Sorry Blackbeard, go back to the XVII century bro.

Have a look at my code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()
int x, y;
srand (time(0));

x = rand() % 100 + 1;

do {
cout << “Guess a

(1 to 100): ” << endl;
cin >> y;
if ( x < y)
cout << “The number is lower” << endl;
else if ( x > y )
cout << “The number is higher” << endl;
} while (y != x);

cout << “Congrats! You´ve guessed the number”;
return 0;

CC BY-SA 4.0 Random number generator by netosanchezb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.