#WSQ03 Fun With Numbers

Hello people!!, this is my new project on C++ and it’s called Fun With Numbers, made on Atom Editor and runned by Cygwin Terminal. I found easy to make it because I was reading about C++ on the link : http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/  , so I can do the project without any problem.

The new work to do in “Fun With Numbers”, is ask to the user for two values, and then, made some basic arithmetic operations. To do this, you have to declare the variables that are you asking or using, and then make the arithmetic.


And here is the program running on Cygwin Terminal.


The new commmands that I learned on this program were:

cin<<; that is used to read the value

int; to use integer numbers.


If you want to see the complete program go to the next link: https://github.com/eduardomrlsg/TC101/blob/master/funwithnumbers

CC BY-SA 4.0 #WSQ03 Fun With Numbers by eduardomoralesg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.