FlippledLearning #WSQ04

My experience during this course wasn´t very long, thats why i didnt do this WSQ a couple weeks ago, but by now, while i´m working on the 7th-8th and 9th WSQ, and see myself learning with no pressure, at my own rhythm, gave me a clear point of view of the Flipped Learning or classroom theme. I´m trusting a lot in this course, ´cause is different, today, i received the result of my first-half partial math exam, it was a total mess, i´ve had a failure like that, i got 13 point of a hundred, that never happened to me before. What i´m trying to prove here, is that with that grade, i still can pass the subject, but the max i can get is a 90 and that´s if i get all my future stuff perfect. So i decided to delete/erase Math for this semester, im feeling awful, just like i´ve just killed someone, and idk why, i failed an exam, and the traditional learning method have shown us that only the worst students failed. But i know im not a regular student, i know i,m on my way to success and ill make something big in my future, and thats the main reason i dont trust the tradicional teaching methods, ´cause a grade doesn´t define what im im.

I´m totally giving an opportunity to this course, we need to change the way the schools are teaching, and maybe this one is the right one.

I also recommend this video that explain a little bit more about Flipped Classroom new ideas.

CC BY-SA 4.0 FlippledLearning #WSQ04 by dariomagana10 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.