Pick a Number #WSQ06

Okay, here is my homework no. 6 which consist of guess a random number using some new techniques for me, specially the function srand (time(0)); so I had to research by myself on YouTube about this new thing for me, and also I asked a friend named #LosCerritosRifa in order to understand better this function and then start writing my code.

I liked this homework so much because I could understand better how a computer works by itself, it is amazing the way it pick a random number and then we have to guess it, it’s really incredible, so right now I am loving programming in C++.

Here is my code written in Atom:

Then. here is the code compiled using Cygwin as terminal:

And also I have the same program in C++ using CodeBlocks:

This is my code, you can look at this in GitHub:


CC BY-SA 4.0 Pick a Number #WSQ06 by Diego Nateras Ponce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.