#Quiz2 #TC101

Hi everyone!
Here is the second quiz of the first partial. This time I was surprised when Ken said that today we will have a quiz about how to use functions in order to make a program harder, so I didn’t finish it on classes, but I was working all the afternoon in my house and with a little help from my friend #LosCerritosRifa I could finish with this quiz.
I have to admit that really I don’t understand some things, but practicing and studying all the tips that my friends and also the teacher say to me, I can understand better this topics and then demonstrate that I am good in programming, because that is one of my thousand goals of this new year 😀

Well, here is my code in C++ of the first program of the quiz 2, using Atom as editor. When you understand all the steps in the code, then you can do by yourself another hardes codes.

And then here is the full program compiled using Cygwin as a terminal.
Then, this is the code of the second program of the quiz 2 in C++ using Atom as editor.
And it’s respective program compiled in Cygwin as terminal.
And by this, I also have done the same programs but I used CodeBlocks in order to edit and compile the codes in C++ at the same time. Check at this:

Here is my codes from GitHub:

CC BY-SA 4.0 #Quiz2 #TC101 by Diego Nateras Ponce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.