Sum of Numbers #WSQ07

This homeworks result a a little easy for me to understand how to use the loop because if you want to do like a counter between a number to another, you just need to use a loop indicating form the lower to the higher number to be sum and then the program will start, at first, by adding the number 0 in the range of numbers you will enter in the program, so the code is very important because you have to specify that the numbers enter have to sum from 0 then the lower number and then the next number, +1 in this case, doing this until the program identify the higer number entered by the person.
So for example, if you want to sum the numbers or a range between 1 to 5, the program will start summing the number 0 + 1 +2 +3 +4 and +5. So the final result will be the addition between this range of numbers, which is 15.

Now, I’am going to show you my code written in Atom, as an editor.

And here is the program compiled in Cygwin, as terminal.

And finally, I also have the same program using CodeBlocks, which is a good board in order to learn programming in C++

Here is the code taken by

CC BY-SA 4.0 Sum of Numbers #WSQ07 by Diego Nateras Ponce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.