#WSQ07 Sum of numbers

Check my code m8s

Second time using loops in C++, not exactly like C# but we´re using almost the same logical rules. I made a video so check it out d:

And thanks to it now i know that my mic is crashed and i didnt know it 🙁

Well ill explain here what the audio of the video couldnt.

I was checking other #wsq posts and many of them give 54 as a result of the sum from 1 to 10 and it should be 55. It means that they´re leaving the first number of the addition out of it and it shouldnt be this way(i already commented of my m8s blogs to let them now their mistake) so to fix this, i´ve added an extra variable that for me is completely functional for the loops, the “i” using it to determinate when the loop should end. I definetely recommend it!



CC BY-SA 4.0 #WSQ07 Sum of numbers by dariomagana10 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.