#WSQ11 #NadieQuiereSer196

One freaking week breaking my head and having brainstorm ideas to figure out how to write this satanic code(Not even Satan would create something like this) thank God Aguayo for gave me the patience to not freak out and finally finish the code.

As usual here´s the code(yeah i know you´re just coming to my blog for it) click on the random image to go to GitHub[The code won´t work until you install the BigInteger and do all the proccess Ken explains in this VIDEO] and don´t forget to thank Aguayo for his greatness


I´ve also made a video explaining the code working and its structure so there isn´t any screenshot this time, here it is:

Like always, here some random Tumblr picture again



CC BY-SA 4.0 #WSQ11 #NadieQuiereSer196 by dariomagana10 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.