WSQ10 Lists

Hello again to all my friends!

As you can see, I was busy for a looooong time but here I am posting the homework about lists, a program that will calculate the average, the addition and the standard deviation between the numbers that you want. On this program, the instructions were:

**Create a program that asks the user for 10 numbers  (floating point). Store those numbers in a list. Show to the user the total, average and standard deviation of those numbers.

To got it, you have to use arrays to get the 10 numbers and then you have to put it inside your function. Also I learned a new command, the SETPRECISION one, who is to choose the number of decimals that you want in your answer. To more details, check my code:


To get more information about the set presicion command, check this link:

And the program running:


And yeeeeeey, it compiles and works😀

Don’t forget to see my enter codes on github:

Regards, EdMo.

CC BY-SA 4.0 WSQ10 Lists by eduardomoralesg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.