#WSQ11 #YoSoy196

Hi everyone!
This time, I have to say that this was the most difficult program I have tried to solve, this means that I needed a lot of help from many fiends and other bloggers or websites like YouTube, so this time I have to say thanks to #LosCerritosRifa because I saw and studied his code in order to solve my own program.

So lets talk more about this difficult homework, we need to determine between a sequence of numbers, lower and upper bound, if there are a palindrome number or a lycherel number. So using many steps like loops using while, else and if, we can make a good program.

Here is the code from Atom:

And this is the program compiled in Cygwin:

And here the code from GitHub:


CC BY-SA 4.0 #WSQ11 #YoSoy196 by Diego Nateras Ponce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.