#WSQ05 Temperature. Fahrenheit to Celsius.

Hello again to all my friends.

Well, we’re coming back with programming posts. Now i’m gonna post my new program that consists in convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. It wasn’t hard because before we learnt how to ask for variables, how to read them and how to use them. So now, we just have to put the correct formula and run it.

So, here the screenshot of my program.


And the program running.


If you have any question add a comment and I will help you!.

In the next link you can see my complete code:


Also I recommend to visit the site cplusplus.com to know new commands and tools that make C++ easier and to understand better.

#WSQ04, A new way to study. Flipped Learning.

Hello people!!flippedclassroom_post

Well, this gonna be a different post of programming, but is to show you the new way to study that I’m applying on my course. It’s called Flipped Classroom and here, you’re responsible of your learning, your homeworks and to ask to the teacher all the questions that you have, so I’ts cool but maybe can turn it difficult if you’re lazy or irresponsible.

Flipped Learning consist on:

F (Flexible Environment). The teachers create flexible spaces in which students choose when and where they learn.

L (Learning Culture). Here, the student is the primary source of information, he’s actively involved in knowledge construction.

I (Intentional Content). The theachers determinate what they need to teach and what materials students should explore on ther own.

P (Professional Educator) The educator have to continually observe their students, providing them with feedback relevant in the moment, and assessing their work.

And that was the definition, so now you know a little bit of flipped classroom.

With this method, I feel excited because is something new, a new way to learn and it’s cool and interesting. I hope that I can learn a lot and take this on the better form, being responsible, searching for information and asking to my teacher, Ken Bauer, if i’m doing the things right. Flipped classroom also make a social environment, where you are in contact with your classmates and you are answering common questions, so it makes the class more fun and dynamic. So let’s start and take all that you can on your flipped class!



I found this information on the next pages, so you can go and read it to know more about it: http://www.flippedlearning.org/site/default.aspx?PageID=1



#WSQ03 Fun With Numbers

Hello people!!, this is my new project on C++ and it’s called Fun With Numbers, made on Atom Editor and runned by Cygwin Terminal. I found easy to make it because I was reading about C++ on the link : http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/  , so I can do the project without any problem.

The new work to do in “Fun With Numbers”, is ask to the user for two values, and then, made some basic arithmetic operations. To do this, you have to declare the variables that are you asking or using, and then make the arithmetic.


And here is the program running on Cygwin Terminal.


The new commmands that I learned on this program were:

cin<<; that is used to read the value

int; to use integer numbers.


If you want to see the complete program go to the next link: https://github.com/eduardomrlsg/TC101/blob/master/funwithnumbers

Hello World

Hi people. This is my first project on C++ using the Atom editor and the Cygwin Terminal.

I found it difficult because i didn’t know how to use it those softwares so I had to see some videos on Lynda platform and I visited the page cplusplus.com to learn about the commands that are useful on C++. So if ypu don’t understand something about C++, you can navigate in the internet and get the key to do it!.

Here is my code on Atom.


And here, the result of the code, the message printed.


If you want to see all my codes, you can see it on the next URL.
