WSQ04 “Flipped Learning”

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

This was a famous phrase that, according to the internet but not confirmed, was said by Albert Einstein.

This course with Professor Ken Bauer is a ‘Prototype course’ for #AbolishGrades. What does this means? This means that instead of the classic education system where one either ace an exam or fail it in order to judge one’s intelligence one must show what they truly learned at the course. This will be written by using as a source the lecture “An A+ student regrets his grades” from Afraj  Gill.

Lets be real. This may be more common between the ‘millennials’ since they are all around social media over the networks. Is a common meme when one experencies forgeting what one learned trough a year or semester of school. Think about it. Do you remember most of what you answered at last semester’s exam? It could be like that Men In Black movie where one forgets instantly what they just learned.

men in black.jpg

Secondly, have you ever asked what an entrepreneur’s scores where? Of course not! Because that does not matters anymore when one sees how far they have gone. Einstein dropped school for example. Scores are nothing but just numbers to label one, yet it does not define one’s true knowledge.

Now, let’s discuss the experience at Ken Bauer’s class specifically.

exp.pngAs one may recall, the writter of this blog is a begginer at coding. That means that he barely knows what he is doing and how he is going to do it. The expectations for this class were high form him. Because he was expecting a classic educational system so he was sort of afraid

the blakes

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Quiz Time!

Ken told us that there was going to be a quiz today, but it has no grade since #AbolishGrades or something. So he handled a piece of paper with instructions of what to do. At first I was nervious because I did not know what kind of crazy new stuff for me was going to be included. Surprise! It was all old stuff from the WSQ I have already made.

WSQ03 ‘Playing with numbers’

3rd week of the semester and Ken’s blog has up to 7 homeworks. That means that I am 4/7 done from right now. Ever wondered how a calculator is programmed to do one’s  work for them? You know when one is too lazy to add 5 + 3 and they use the calculator to make sure or even to do enormous operations for Physics.

At this WSQ we were in charge to make the user pick two numbers. Let “x” be the first number and “y” be the second number. So at this assignment this two numbers picked by the user are supposed to be added to each other , also  x has to be substracted by y, then x and y have to multiply each other and finally x has to be divided by y. However at this division the final result has to be an interger so you have the remainder also. That means no decimal.

My first try at the addition part, with the assistance of my partner, it was a failure since instead of the variables adding each other, they just stood beside each other like this:


#WSQ02 ‘Hello World’

Now is turn to start writting the basic codes. In this assignment Ken gave us the task to print ‘Hello World’ at the corresponding editor. I tried to see my classmates’ blog to see how they did it, so I can manage to finish the task. However, they only  have screenshots of the final result. This is a screenshot of my failed attemps.

Anyways, after a enormous amounts of failures I finally managed to make it run correcty. This was thanks to the assistance of Professor Ken Bauer and a classmate whose name I need to learn for future references. I had to uninstall all of the Pythons I had and Ken helped me out downloading it directly from Cygwin.


So what I basically learned over here is how to search for one´s Python Version, how to open and run a .py document and that it is easier to have it assigned directly on Desktop. And finally I relearned the basic of print(“”).



For this assignment I had to download several programs. I started with Cygwin; however, I got confused. Therefore, I had to ask Ken by twitter and he provided me his youtube video. Despite that, what I was doing did not got as well as Ken´s video was doing.

But he helped me out afterwards. Hooray!


After this inconvenience, I continued installing Notepad++, Emacs and  Atom.
