Quiz 3


Hello again!

This time is for quiz time!

Quiz #3

In this quiz Ken tell us to create 2 different programs…

The first one is about to create a program that can calculate the distance between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

Here is the code…

Quiz 3 First Part

For the second part of the quiz it was a little difficult… it was about to create a Fibonacci function.

Here is the code…

Quiz 3 Second Part



WSQ09 Factorial Calculator


This night I made a program that can calculate the factorial of a number…

This is an example that I found on web…


And this is the link of my code…

WSQ09 Factorial of a Number

Thank you for seen my post!!


Quiz 2


For this partial we made two quizes…

The first one is about to creat a program that has a function called superpower, it has two recive to parameters and returns an integer wich is first the parameter raised to the power of the second…

Here is the link for this code…

Quiz 2 First Part

The second program we had to made is to write a fuction called “star”, the program has to ask you the number of stars you want to print…

Here is the link fot this code…

Quiz 2 Second Part


WSQ08 On to Functions



This day we are going to see how to make function, I think there are the most important part of programming learning, because this can make your code more simply and with less lines of code…

The WSQ08 homework tell us to use the WSQ03 code and apply the fuctions, I am going to submit the same code…

In this code i use the variable step method inside a fuction…



Here is the code…

WSQ08 On to Fuctions




WSQ06 Pick a Number


Hello how are you?

Today we are going to see how to create a program that establish randomly number between 1 and 100, the name of the WSQ is Pick a Number and this program was designed by me investigating and using this links for learning.




Her are some screen shots of my program…


And here is the link of the prgram code…

WSQ06 Pick a Number

Thank you, see you later!

WSQ05 Temperature



For this new post the program will convert temperature Fahrenheit to Celsius using the following formula: C = 5 ∗ (F − 32) / 9.

The program must demonstrate if water boils and if it´s not, the program should mention it.

This program functions were used since it is simpler and allows you a better arrangement of your code.

Functions are going to teach in the next posts (WSQ08 On to functions)

Here is the program,

WSQ05 Temperature

And the link for access the program…

WSQ05 Temperature



WSQ03 Fun With Numbers


This is an special day Because we are going to continue the programming class !!
For This homework Ken Told us to make a program that can run two numbers and get the difference Between them, the product, the integer based division of the two numbers (so no decimal point) First and second divided and the remainder of integer division of the two numbers.
Her are the screenshots of the program …

WSQ03 Fun With Numbers Prueba

WSQ03 Fun With Numbers

WSQ02 Hello World

We are beginning the first code for ken´s class.
Ken tell us to code a the phrase “Hello World”, this was simply because the only thing you have to do is to print out the word using the command “cout << the phrase that you want to display on screen <<endl;”…
An example…

Hello World

Primer codigo






Thanks for seen my blog see you later!

New blogs that are coming soon…

  • WSQ06 – Pick a Number
  • WSQ05 – Temperature
  • WSQ04 – Flipped Learning
  • WSQ03 – Fun With Numbers