WSQ02 Hello World

Open up emacs  and press “control x control f”. This write the name of your program and press enter. I found a really good video about getting use to emacs. Tutorial. Another great page that helped me a lot was this one. C++.

Once you have created your program, go to terminal and press ls. press “cd”and then write the location where you saved your program.Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 7.12.09 PM.pngScreen Shot 2016-01-18 at 7.15.22 PM.png

As you can see, after you have located your file, write g++, the name of your program and press enter.

Then write ./a.out, the name of your program and press enter.

In the last image you will notice that the program ran perfectly and printed out “Hello World! I’m a c++ program”. In case your wondering what it looks like when there is an error in your program here is another picture.Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 7.13.27 PM.png

My Workshop

coding-keyboardWell guys I finally have my coding workshop and I’m gonna tell you how I did it. Of course I couldn’t have done it alone. I got a some help from Cristian Moreno and I also took a look at Jose’s Blog.

Alright first let me tell you what computer and operative system I’m using.Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 4.24.34 PM

If your using a Mac, the first thing to do is download Xcode from the App Store. The downfall is that it takes up a lot of memory.

Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 6.02.11 PM  The editor I chose was emacs. Here is the link where I downloaded it Emacs. Next open up Terminal from your utilities folder. the utilities folder is inside the applications folder. Follow the on screen instructions.Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 6.05.45 PM

Here is a link that Ken gave us for g++ so that your terminal can run the programs that you make. Hombrew, simply paste the text (the one it tells you to paste) on your terminal.

Thats pretty much it. Your ready to program.

WSQ02 – Hello World

Get Started Coding

Get your program to print (on the terminal/shell) the message “Hello World”. Yes, that simple. Remember you are doing this at the terminal, NOT inside an IDE like Code::Blocks, Eclipse, Xcode.

Write about It

Write about how you did this on your blog. Include screenshots, ideas, sources and such.

flickr photo by Nederland in foto's shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by Nederland in foto’s shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license