WSQ14 – Scilab


Scilab is a great tool that I believe you will find very useful during the rest of your degree programs and beyond. The motivation here is simply to introduce you to the tool. Scilab is open source software and runs on Linux, Mac and Windows

You can find the download links over here. Mac users, make sure to use the one for 10.10 (Yosemite) or 10.11 (El Capitan) unless you have an old version of Mac OS.

Continue reading “WSQ14 – Scilab”

WSQ13 – Exam2

Programming is Only Part

The programming is key to this course but is only part. This is part of why I changed to a self-grading system but I felt applying the programming exam was important.

We will do this again on the final exam for sure and I hope to do this before the end of the semester at least once. You can simulate these exam conditions for yourself in preparation.

Continue reading “WSQ13 – Exam2”

WSQ 12 – Word Count

What to Do

Create a program that asks the user for a word which will be your search word and the name of a file to open and search for that word. Then create a function that will receive two parameters (both string) representing those two data points. This function returns the number of occurrences of that word in that file.


You will need to open a file and read the text line by line. This is straight forward in Python since you can treat the file as a list of lines (strings) and iterate over that using a for loop. Check the section “Looping over a file object” in this link for an idea but your book also has this information (or on

For C++ this is similar in solution as for the Python group, this link may help you but feel free to find others: Also remember to check the videos you have access to on

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag #WSQ12 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code as a link to GitHub. You really should start using your GitHub repository now. If you need help on that, just ask Ken or your classmates.

If you have not seen my video yet about the GUI tutorial for GitHub, go check that out:

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC101 so we all see your question posted there.

flickr photo by wiccked shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license
flickr photo by wiccked shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license

WSQ 11 – Yo Soy 196


creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by K & P:
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by K & P:

Lychrel numbers are natural numbers that do not form a palindrome after successive additions to their inverse. See details on Wikipedia:

What to Do

Your jobs is to create a program that asks the user for two pieces of data:

  • The lower bound of the sequence
  • The upper bound of the sequence
Then you check the values from the lower bound (inclusive) to the upper bound (inclusive) and make a report of them. During the analysis of each number, if a Lychrel number is found it should be reported immediately with something like “Found a Lychrel number: 196”


The report must show:
  • The range of numbers analysed (lower to upper bound)
  • The number of natural palindromes (no addition to inverse needed)
  • The number of non-Lycherels encountered (become palindromes)
  • The number of Lycherel number candidates (that did not converge to palindrome)

Since you will not be able to prove that a number is Lycherel (since you cannot computer forever to check), our definition for a Lycherel candidate will be if a number does not converge after 30 iterations of applying the addition to the inverse.

Hey Ken, my numbers are too small in C++

C++ programmers will want to use a library to support big numbers. I recommend using the C++ Big Integer Library.

I also made a video about this library and you can see it here

Videos about YoSoy196

and if you are interested in getting colours on the terminal:

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag #WSQ11 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code as a link to GitHub. You really should start using your GitHub repository now. If you need help on that, just ask Ken or your classmates.

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC101 so we all see your question posted there.

WSQ10 – Lists

What to Do

creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Mark Morgan Trinidad A:
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Mark Morgan Trinidad A:

Create a program that asks the user for 10 numbers  (floating point). Store those numbers in a list. Show to the user the total, average and standard deviation of those numbers.


For the Python group, you want to be using Lists. For the C++ group you can do this with arrays or Vectors, but you will need to know eventually how to do both.

Once you have this working, change it so that users keep giving you values until they signal “no more values”. How would you implement this and in particular for the C++ group, how to you deal with an unknown size to your array during compilation?

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag WSQ10 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code as a link to GitHub. You really should start using your GitHub repository now. If you need help on that, just ask Ken or your classmates.

If you have not seen my video yet about the GUI tutorial for GitHub, go check that out:

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC101 so we all see your question posted there.

WSQ09 – Factorial Calculator

What to Do

creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by ▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓:
creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by ▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓:

Create a program that asks the user for a non-negative integer (let’s call that number n) and display for them the value of n! (n factorial).

After showing them the answer, ask them if they would like to try another number (with a simple y/n response) and either ask again (for y) or quit the program and wish them a nice day (if they answered n).


For the Python group, resist the urge to call math.factorial(n). Yes that would solve the problem but what would we do if there was no math.factorial() and we had no internet to find someone’s solution?

There are two basic approaches: a loop with an accumulator of the multiplication and a recursive solution. Choose one and implement that. Once that is done, try the other way.

If you used a while loop for the solution with a loop, try structuring this with a for loop (or vice-versa).

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag WSQ09 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code as a link to GitHub. You really should start using your GitHub repository now. If you need help on that, just ask Ken or your classmates.

If you have not seen my video yet about the GUI tutorial for GitHub, go check that out:

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC1014 so we all see your question posted there.

WSQ08 – On To Functions

What to Do

creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by kevin dooley:
creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by kevin dooley:

You will go back and do WSQ03 – Fun with Numbers again.

But this time, write a function for each calculation. Each function should define two parameters (in this example of type int) and return the correct value as an integer as well.

You main program needs to ask the user for the input and then call each function to calculate the answer for each of the parts.

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag WSQ08 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code either inline in the blog post (best option) and/or a link to your actual code on Dropbox/Google Drive/GitHub.

If you have not seen my video yet about the GUI tutorial for GitHub, go check that out:

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC1014 so we all see your question posted there.

WSQ07 – Sum of Numbers

What to Do

Write a program that asks for a range of integers and then prints the sum of the numbers in that range (inclusive).

You can use a formula to calculate this of course but what we want you to do here is practice using a loop to do repetitive work.

For example, the sum from 6 to 10 would be 0 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10.

Notice our sum starts with zero (why?) and then we add each number in the range provided by the user. Just for fun, what is the mathematical formula to do this calculation?

Example Run

We will calculate the sum of integers in the range you provide.
Please give us the lower bound:  1
Please give us the upper bound: 10
The sum from 1 to 10 (inclusive) is: 55


How would you change your program to handle the user giving you the upper and lower bound in the wrong order? Or perhaps some other “user input error”?

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag WSQ07 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code either inline in the blog post (best option) and/or a link to your actual code on Dropbox/Google Drive/GitHub.

You may want to check how to get started on GitHub now, here is a good article to start with:

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC101 so we all see your question posted there.

WSQ06 – Pick a Number

What to Do

Write a program that picks a random integer in the range of 1 to 100.

There are different ways to make that happen, you choose which one works best for you.

It then prompts the user for a guess of the value, with hints of ’too high’ or ’too low’ from the program.

The program continues to run until the user guesses the integer. You could do something extra here including telling there user how many guesses they had to make to get the right answer.

You might want to check that your program doesn’t always use the same random number is chosen and you should also split your problem solving into parts. Perhaps only generate the random number and print that as a first step.

Example Run

I have a number chosen between 1 and 100.
Please guess a number between 1 and 100:  50
I’m sorry but 50 is too high, try again: 25
I’m sorry but 25 is too low, try again: 42
You got it! The right answer is indeed 42.
You made 3 guesses to get the right number.

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag #WSQ06 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code either inline in the blog post (best option) and/or a link to your actual code on Dropbox/Google Drive/GitHub.

You may want to check how to get started on GitHub now, here is a good article to start with:

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC101 so we all see your question posted there.

WSQ05 – Temperature

What to Do

Write a program that will prompt the user for a temperature in Fahrenheit and then convert it to Celsius. You may recall that the formula is C = 5 ∗ (F − 32)/9.

Modify the program to state whether or not water would boil at the temperature given. Your output might look like the following

Example Run

What is the temperature in Fahrenheit? 100

A temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit is 37 in Celsius

Water does not boil at this temperature (under typical conditions).

What to Submit

As usual, create a blog post explaining what you did, where you found resources (books, videos, web pages, friends) to help you solve this. Remember to put the tag #WSQ05 on your post so our blog hub picks that up.

You should include your code either inline in the blog post (best option) and/or a link to your actual code on Dropbox/Google Drive/GitHub.

And of course, leave any questions here as well as asking those questions on Twitter with the hashtag #TC101 so we all see your question posted there.