#WSQ03 Fun with numbers

First of all, here´s my code https://github.com/dariomagana10/operaciones.cpp.git and bellow i´m posting some screenshot of it so dont worry 🙂

I thought creating this program was going to be something difficult(because its our first code and we´re figuring out how to program in C++) but it wasn´t! there´s a lot of information in Internet but i definitely recommend this youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mLKwIn-2Yb7nssjgEHWrw

Thank Goku this man exist, his tutorials are very clear and easy to understand so i suggest you to check it if you have troubles.

Here´s how my code ended


I think using “Printf” and “ScanF” is more easy than Out and In because is like the C# code that we´ve already know, but ill try both.


It worked! and it feels great to start comprehending this lenguage.

howweimagineprogrammerswork_73816a_4993240 I´m starting to enjoy this 😉

#WSQ02 HelloWorld!

Soooo last tuesday i finally get to correctly setup my Cygwin terminal. I asked Ken about which editor should i´ve download, told me Atom was the right one sooo i trusted him.


Download Atom is very simple, and its free(important). When you finally complete the process you should find a “Hello Wolrd” C++ program. For that i found this great article about how to do it.



And once you save it(dont forget to add .css to the file name) you must go right to your PC and search for the Cygwin folder, click on it, then the “home” folder and finally a folder named with your user name. Dont touch anything and just paste there your .css file

Open cygwin and write the command “g++” and your file name, the process will last a few moments and then to see if it worked, write the command “ls” and your file name must be there, after that, write “./a.exe” to run your program and vualá! there you go.


After all, i was feeling like this
