Calculator Function


Today I tried to create a program that imitates the functionality of a calculator…

Just the basics of course, addition, difference, product, division and reminder.

Haga click para ver el pase de diapositivas.

Also I figured out that if you type “history” in cygwin and clic enter… it will give you the list with numbers of the instructions you´ve typed in…


And if you want to select an specific step instead of starting all over again, you just type “!2” for example and it will send you to the step 2  ->






-Hospital for carrots-

First program using Atom&Cygwin

Hey, well today I finished completely my first program and it worked which is the most important thing,  I used Atom and it is really easy, after a lot of failures and really big mistakes…


I got it…


So its really easy, i leave here the program hopping it will useful for you…


Im pretty sure than when you try you will totally nail it!!




-Agua de Nintendo-

Atom & Cygwin Install.

Today I installed Atom & Cygwin to be able to program and compile the information,

I installed everything twice so to avoid you investing your time I will leave the Links below..

Haga click para ver el pase de diapositivas.

The programs are really good, today I learn how to download just what you need in Cygwin and what was Atom for… it turns out it comes with color coding which makes your life easier and it is a programming program.



-Ocean of Hamsters-

First Day, First Blog

This blog is my first one and I hope I can share some interesting information with every post I`ll make.



I had my first class with Kenneth Bauer 3 days ago, I had the task of creating a blog where I will share my weekly process in everything, the internet access can be really useful and I`m starting to learn step by step how to take advantage of this amazing tool.

Within the weekly post, I will share as well 2-5 words that probably you will never use together in any sentence.

-Magic purple Sandwich-