Factorial Calculator #WSQ09

This program was a little hard and difficult for me because I had a lot ot programs with the return, when the progra, asked for another number and you write yes, it shows the message of Have a nice day, when it should be when you write no, so this was hard for me to understand so I still having the same problem and I need help in order to understand this and try to solve it.
This program works with a loop writing down a function and the program will make the operation by itself, multipliying the number with another random and then it will show you its factorial, than means if the number is a FACTO O REAL.

Here is the code writen in Atom as editor:

This is the program compiled in Cygwin, as terminal:

Also I have the same program using CodeBlocks in C++

And here is the code taken by GitHub.com


CC BY-SA 4.0 Factorial Calculator #WSQ09 by Diego Nateras Ponce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.