
Well, here is the quiz number 3 which consist of calculating the distance between two points represented in the cartesian plane. By do this program, first you have to use a library which can allow mathematical operations, like Pitagoras Theorem, and the the program will ask you for four coordinates, x1, x2, y1, y2 and it will calculate the distance of the numbers you enter in the program.

So here is the code writen in Atom as terminal:

And here the program compiled in Cygwin as terminal:

In order to resolve the second program of the quiz, first of all, you need to know some about how the sequence of Fibonacci works, it is important to understand that because if not, you ware not smart enough haha.
So, you enter a number into the program and it will calculate the number entered and the past number of this in the Fibonacci sequence, so the result of your number and the sequence will show you in the screen.

Here is an example of how does this sequence works using Atom as editor:

And then the program compiled in Cygwin as terminal:

And finally, here are the codes taken by GitHub.com



CC BY-SA 4.0 #Quiz3 by Diego Nateras Ponce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.