#Quiz03(finally!) VIDEO

This was the most difficult program i´ve done since i started coding. The first one was extremely easy but the fibonacci´s got me like


Well lets check the codes here´re both of my codes

1st Program: Create a code that calculates the distance between two point in the cartesian plane.

Easy one, the user must type the coordenates of the two points(giving the x and y values of both of them) and using the pythagorean theorem getting the addition of the squares of the differences between x1-x2 and y1-y2. Well here´s a ss of the code and how it works


Dont forget to add the cmath library to use the square root.

2nd Program Fibonacci´s(wth)

Now we´re talking about serious stuff, doing this code was extremely difficult i was breaking my head because i was trying doing it with loops(and there must be a freaking way and later ill figure it out!) then i found the formula


Anddd this helped a lot, to understand better the formula and the proccess. Friday in class me and AlexFoo found a website that explain the fibonacci(and the code) incredibly well. Here´s the page m8s

Let´s check a quick video made by me, explaining the code and some of the fibonaccis uses.

Hope that the video may helped you a little bit, if you have a doubt don´t hesitate to contact me in Fb (Darío Magaña) Twitter @dariosneijder or in my cellphone 3521252322.

I want to take advantage of this post letting you here my Tumblr account, i´m always posting interesting stuff about everything and some amazing pics and thoughts just like this one:


CC BY-SA 4.0 #Quiz03(finally!) VIDEO by dariomagana10 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.