Temperature F° to C°

This was a really easy to make program. For this WSQ I had to make a program that would allow the user to change a temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius. And after that the program would say if water would boil or not at the temperature given.

For changing Fahrenheit to Celsius I just needed to write a program like the others but with the formula to change Fahrenheit to Celsious.temperaturepic

For saying if the water would boil or not I decided to used an if/else. If the temperature in C° was more than 100(temperature in which waters boils) it would say that in normal conditions, water would boil but if the result was a number smaller that 100 then it would say that water would not boil. 

You can see my program right here: Temperature

And this is the prove that it is working 😛 .temperaturecyg

I made this meme after finishing the program JAJAJAJ. ymtdo



CC BY-SA 4.0 Temperature F° to C° by martikaglez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.