
Hello class, i hope you are happy knowing we post today. This time is not about a C++ program, but a more important and significant thing, our way of education.

Since i was on primary school, my classes had been the same, the teacher is in the classroom, he speaks the whola time of the class, if you do not pay attention they will punish you and homeworks are like buuhh.

Now, here at the Tec we are having a big change about that, and let me introduce you to…..

Flipped Learning.

So you must want to know what is this, let me tell you. Education gets really different and kind of easy, you are responsible of your time, what you learn, what do you want to do, WE ARE FREE, and by free i mean we are now deciding how we want to learn and the way it is easier for each one, these is flipped learning.

But at the end of the course or period or whatever, you should know the topics and you must demonstrate it, so it is our responsability.





CC BY-SA 4.0 #WSQ04 by alibarramg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.