WSQ05 – Temperature

How is going class, I am pretty happy I am posting all my assigments. Let me introduce you to this easy and fast program

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As the last program, this is an other simple math operation, but with an established goal, we will calculate celcius degrees grom farenheit, probably you are think How am i going to that!!??? so here is the answer:

The only thing you should know is this little formula


And it is everything, you declare the farenheit and request it to the user then you declare celcius and that is the operation it will run and finally you print the result and with a simple IF you will know if the water boils at that Temperature or not.

Eso es todo amigos.



CC BY-SA 4.0 WSQ05 – Temperature by alibarramg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.