1. Write a function called triangles which receives a single parameter (int) which represents the size of a triangle as explained below. The function should print a triangle using loops (for or while). The only characters printed here are ‘T’ and the new-line character. The first line is length one, the middle line is length size and the last line is length one.

The example below is for size 6:



2. Write a function called superpower that has two parameters of type long and returns a long which is first parameter raised to the power of the second, which is to say it returns a b So, superpower(3,4) would return 81.

long superpower(long a, long b){


2016-04-26 (1)

3. NOTE: for full 5 points, use a loop (not recursion). Write a function called fibonacci which receives a long “n” and returns a long which is the value of the nth number in the fibonacci series which is: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89………… So, fibonacci(0) would return 0. fibonacci(5) would return 5, fibonacci(8) would return 21. Note that the first two fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1. All others are the sum of the previous two fibonacci numbers.

2016-04-26 (2)

4. . Write a function called isPalindrome which receives a string “x” and returns true if the string x is a palindrome, otherwise false.

2016-04-26 (3)

CC BY-SA 4.0 #EXAM PARTIAL 02 by valeriananc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.