Final Project

Hello there, here is Batmantec here again, with one of the last post’s of this semester. Now I am bringing to you guys the process that CanadaMike and I did to find the perfect final project. But like life is, there is specific way to make a program. We were in search for some projects, because our mind where to complex, by this I mean there were projects on our mind but this one where to complex and expensive. So we visit the site to look for some projects. The exact website is this one: This website had a cool set of ideas for C++ programs. The one that took our attention was “Simple file encryption (using something simple like ROT13” So Mike and I start researching about the topic. I already knew some stuff about how encryption works but still don’t understand completely.

The simplest way to say how encryption works is on this picture :Public_key_encryption_keys

(the picture was searched with google with the tools for reuse)

As you can see in the picture above, the encryption starts wit a file, in the example is use a plain text file, then after a process, with some keyword, they convert the file into a mess of data that no one can really understand. For getting the information you need the same process but in reverse, with the same algorithm, you just enter the keyword and get the original text on the output.

The problem that we face, is that there is not that much information for a program like this on C++, It was easier to found and example of the process on python.

After more than a week trying the program, we change our mind, because it was a lot of time consuming and we didn’t

any feedback from the program, so at the end we didnt finish the program. But the thing that we learn about encryption and security while we visited a lot of websites and forums was bast. But we didn’t want to not do anything so we compile some programs that we did on this semester and put it on it. So we deliver a little example of the things that we did in the course.

Here are some pictures of the program running:

Click to view slideshow.

The code is here:

CC BY-SA 4.0 Final Project by batmantec is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.