Hey there, this is my last post of the course. I may go back sometime with this wordpress to make a record of my progress in programming. But lets get back to the main part. What are my thoughts about flipped learning. Sorry if I didn’t post a video of me talking, I really hate being in front of the cameras. But I will post every single thing that I like and the other thing that I dislike about flipped Learning. Because like everything, there is no perfection.
What are the pros of flipped learning, at least from my point of view. There is a lot of thing that ordinary grading or “teaching” had mistaken. The way that today schools grade students, are actually wrong. Because they grade the ability to remember thing for short periods of time, not actually the ability of the student to make solutions to the problems that he is put to. So the pros of this style of learning is that the teacher actually don’t teach some subject, it presents you with a problem or idea that you will need to develop, this way you can research for way to make it done. So this is more like the real world, outside the school. When a job needs to be done, you look for solutions, you don’t wait for someone with experience make the work for you. You need to fix or creat thing by yourself. Other thing that breaks the learning process, are the grades, that are dictated by the task you supposed to do. It doesn’t matter if you don’t learn anything from it. The point is just show the teacher that you did it. But with flipped learning you are actually showing the person in charge that you learn something and you