WSQ 11 – Yo Soy 196

Class, HERE IS A DIFFICULT ONE. just kidding


This time we will code about palindromes and lychrel numbers

MY CODE is not finished i have a little mistake but i have not found it.

The code is like this. You need to functions.

1) One is for the numbers to get switched here is the Video I used to learn about this

2) The second function is to evaluate in the range of number the user provides you if there is palindromes, lychrel numbers or no lychrel number


this link is where i understand what was a palindrome and lychrel number. Just take a look if you are as lost as i was

WSQ10 – Lists

Hi class, Im here with a new #WSQ

This time it is about a list of ten numbers, porvided by the user, and we will calculate the average and standard deviation of those numbers.



For this program Im using an array, this is like a box in wich you are introducing the ten numbers. Is like this

float x[10];

and when the user write the numbers the cin part is like this


after this we continue writing the x[i] when we want to use the ten number in a cycle or something. MY CODE IS UPSTAIRS IF YOU WANT TO TAKE A LOOK

WSQ09 – Factorial Calculator

Hey guys, here is an other #wsq.
This time its about factorial numbers

HERE IS THE CODE   factorial

Well, we start as always with #include and using namespace

then we create two variables, one wich is going to be the number the user enters and the other is going to be the factorial

The factorial is created by a for()  }

for(int a=1; a<=num ;a++)

factorial= factorial*a;

Here is one page provided by Canadamike, he helps me with this wsq, this is usefull

#Quiz 2

Hey guys here is my quiz 2. the program it is about functions.

The first part we have tu raise a number to another number the user gives

and here is.

Part 1

The second part is also a function, but the goal is to print stars * the times the user decide.


With this quiz I practice functions and it was great becuase i step up my knowledge.

WSQ08 – On To Functions

Hey class, here is a new post, it is about functions.

A function is a set of instructions with an specific goal. you specify some parameters so you can return some value.

More information

The program is almost the same as Fun with numbers, but, with functions. Here is my program.


But basically you create a fucntion like this:

int suma ( int a, int b)
int s;
return s;}

You declare the type of function you want in this case an int, then you name the function and include the values, after that you code everything you want the function to do and thats all. In the program you just code this

s= suma(a, b);

And you print it. C:

WSQ07 – Sum of Numbers


Guys this is a fast one, you just need a little bit of logic and think. The user will give you two integer numbers, one bigger than the other (make sure the smaller is the firt the user gives with an IF clause) and the program will show you the sum of numbers between them.


There is my program if you want to take a look


So that is the main part, the tricky thing is the counter, lot of people do not know how to use it and that is when it gets hard, but when you practice and practice with counters it gets really REALLY easy.

Thank you.

WSQ06 – Pick a Number

HI, first of all let me tell you something…. THIS WAS HARD.
But as i have mentionated i have a friend wos name is chuy and he is a master of C++ so he helped me.

But now let us talk about the program, the program choose a random number between 1-100 and the funny thing is that you have to find it C: it is not that difficult, the hard part was generating te random number. Let me explain you with the program


Here is the main part

ranm= 1+ rand()%100;

And that is all jaja, the first line make that your program choose different number and not always the same, and the second one is the range, you tell the computer give me a random number between 1-100 but as we know when the modulus is operating the bigger number you can have is 99 therefore we add 1

The second part of the program is easier, it is only a cycle, when you are trying to find the number the program tells you if you are high or low until you find the number, and every time you try it is one chance, at the and the program also tells you how many chances you had.

See you.

WSQ05 – Temperature

How is going class, I am pretty happy I am posting all my assigments. Let me introduce you to this easy and fast program

Click here

As the last program, this is an other simple math operation, but with an established goal, we will calculate celcius degrees grom farenheit, probably you are think How am i going to that!!??? so here is the answer:

The only thing you should know is this little formula


And it is everything, you declare the farenheit and request it to the user then you declare celcius and that is the operation it will run and finally you print the result and with a simple IF you will know if the water boils at that Temperature or not.

Eso es todo amigos.




Hello class, i hope you are happy knowing we post today. This time is not about a C++ program, but a more important and significant thing, our way of education.

Since i was on primary school, my classes had been the same, the teacher is in the classroom, he speaks the whola time of the class, if you do not pay attention they will punish you and homeworks are like buuhh.

Now, here at the Tec we are having a big change about that, and let me introduce you to…..

Flipped Learning.

So you must want to know what is this, let me tell you. Education gets really different and kind of easy, you are responsible of your time, what you learn, what do you want to do, WE ARE FREE, and by free i mean we are now deciding how we want to learn and the way it is easier for each one, these is flipped learning.

But at the end of the course or period or whatever, you should know the topics and you must demonstrate it, so it is our responsability.