Course Review

The moment you’ve all been waiting for people, we finish the course. But I can’t leave without giving you a little opinion by myself about this course.

#AbolishGrades – #FlippedLearning are two types of innovative education Ken is implementing in this new “TEC21” system, making you to learn by your own at anytime you want without having any type of due dates.

I fully recommend this course for new people who hasn’t see anything about programming, plus, if you get troubled, everyone can help you, so does Ken too.

Before I forget it, I’ve uploaded all my codes to GitHub, here.

See you next time people:)

#WSQ12 – Word Count

Hey people, we are in the finish line, so, let’s make a little more effort to finish this curse.

So, heré’s what we need to do:

  • Create a program that asks the user for a word which will be your search word and the name of a file to open and search for that word. Then create a function that will receive two parameters (both string) representing those two data points. This function returns the number of occurrences of that word in that file

Seems like a difficult one, but it isn’t, check this out:


If you have any question ask in the comments section below.

Let’s keep moving forward people:)


Hey guys, I’m here with another quizz, let’s take a check to our to do list:

  1. Create a function called is_palindrome which receives a string as a parameter and returns true if that string is a palindrome, false otherwise. Remember that a palindrome is a word that is the same forward or backward. For full points your function must ignore case and must work with any character (not just letters). So (“Dad$dad” is a palindrome even though the D is capital and d is lower case).
  2. Create a function called find_threes that receives as a parameter a list (or Vector or array for C++ students) of numbers and returns the sum of all numbers in that list that are evenly divisible by 3. Note if using vectors, you will need an additional parameter to represent the number of numbers in the array. So if the list was [0,4,2,6,9,8,3,12], the function would return 30 (0+6+9+3+12).

Let’s do it:

First function:


Second function:


You’re welcome.

#WSQ11 – Yo Soy 196

To do list:

Your jobs is to create a program that asks the user for two pieces of data:

  • The lower bound of the sequence
  • The upper bound of the sequence
Then you check the values from the lower bound (inclusive) to the upper bound (inclusive) and make a report of them. During the analysis of each number, if a Lychrel number is found it should be reported immediately with something like “Found a Lychrel number: 196”
The report must show:
  • The range of numbers analysed (lower to upper bound)
  • The number of natural palindromes (no addition to inverse needed)
  • The number of non-Lycherels encountered (become palindromes)
  • The number of Lycherel number candidates (that did not converge to palindrome)

Since you will not be able to prove that a number is Lycherel (since you cannot computer forever to check), our definition for a Lycherel candidate will be if a number does not converge after 30 iterations of applying the addition to the inverse.

Ok, people, I know, this task is kind of insane, but let me show you my program (I needed a lot of help on this one):



Second part of the program:



Third and (thank God) last part:



The results:


Really hard one. Let’s move.