Playing with numbers

This WSQ was about asking the user for two integer numbers and then showing the difference, the product, the division and the remainder of integer division of those two numbers.

playingwithnumbersI didn´t have a lot of problems with this one. The structure was similar to other one I had made before but with more instructions on what the programs has to make. What I didn´t know was who to print the results of the instructions. So I look for it and found a blog that had a similar program, there I noticed that for printing you use also ” << ” after adding that my program worked correctly. If you want to see the blog click here.

You can see my program here: Playing with numbers.


Hello world

Hello world is about making a program where u only have to print (obviously) …

“Hello world”

I know it doesn´t sound that difficult but at first I had some trouble with it because even I had learn about programming in C# last semester, its kinda similar but not at all, so I had to ask the teacher how to do it. 

So this was my first try:hellowrld

But when I put it in cygwin … an “ugly message” appear 🙁 lol.falla ...

So I could notice what was missing to my program I asked Edith (You can se her blog here).  I was just missing one thing … ” Using namespace std; “.  So after I change that my program finally work. helloworld.jpg

And this is my program finally working 🙂 
You can see my work here: Homeworks/Hello World

Hello February ♥



I got this picture from                                                                 (Pretty isn´t it?)


Well I couldn’t make that much posts last month but this is a new month so ….

New month = new habits = new and more posts.


I hope u enjoy the new posts that I would be making this month. Also:

New month =
more knowledge.



Ready for programming

The first thing that I had to do was to install a code editor and to set up my computer to run the GNU C++ compiler (g++). There were many options for the code editor like Atom, Notepad++ and Vim but I didnt now which one to download so I asked a friend who already took the class and he recommended me Atom.

Downloading Atom was pretty easy, I just needed to press the download boton.
*You can download it from here:


Then I needed to install Cygwin because I have windows on my computer. There I had no option so I had no problems choosing (lol).
*You can find it here:


… But it was kinda difficult because there u didn’t have to download everything just what we need for this course, so I had to ask a classmate how to do it.

After installing both, u are ready for starting to programming.

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