Class Review

Hello everyone that normally follows my blogs, I know that I took longer than expected this time. I have just been bad at managing my time lately, I have to work more on that. Well in this blog I’m gonna be talking about ken’s course and this new method of LEARNING not teaching. Let me just start off by saying that I loved it and I wish more everybody else was doing it too. Of course not exactly the same because every course needs it’s own special way. I mean programming at this level is something that you can pretty much do by yourself but physics, math and chemistry maybe is so easy. For example the video below is a perfect demonstration on what ken’s doing with us in his class. It is not exactly the same but it is very very similar. I guess the big difference would be that he does give us any specific video to watch, he just expects us to learn at home but during class he is always there to help, so that part is the same.

I was skeptical about this course at first I even went to see ken at his office to tell him that I was a bit worried about how things were gonna go. He told it would be fine and I guess I trusted him. Even though ken didn’t really lecture us on anything rather than asked us to make new programs and to find out how to do them on our own, I learned so much about programming and social networking. I used to hate asking anybody, other than the teacher, for help. Now I see that it is even better to learn with your classmates instead of by yourself. Now before I talk about the things

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Course Review

#TC101 #CourseReview

Programming in C++: Course Review

As we steadily approach the end of the semester, we can now look back on the experiences gained throughout this course and reflect about them.

Since I´m taking this course for the second time now, the experience miaght have been a little different for me than for everyone else, since I was already familiarized with all of the content, yet I didn´t have a perfect understanding of quite a few things.

Before I get into the course topics themselves, I’d like to talk about this new teaching method, the so called “Flipped-Classroom”. For me it was a great idea, it meant I could do my programming whenever I wanted and use the time in class to work on other projects or homework, which I really appreciated since. This had a bad side effect towards the end of the second parcial but I´ll talk about that later.

The fact that we had to upload our Blogs was also a good idea since it forced us to explain ourselves what our programms did, and sometimes that led to us finding mistakes within our codes or a better way to do something. And by making everyone´s code available, it was easy to get past beign stuck by looking at other classmate´s codes.

Now about the bad side effects I mentioned earlier. Since I didn´t go to class all that much, I didn´t get to know many of my classmates, so that really took a hit on the whole social aspect for me. Part of me just wanted to be alone to prove myself I can get this course done by myself, kind of the reason I did the final Project alone, and the less-tech savvy part of myself just wasn´t used to the whole blogging-twitting thing.

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Course Review TC101

Este es el trabajo final de esta materia llamada Solución de problemas con programación con el profesor Ken Bauer.

A pesar de haber batallado bastando al principio del curso por dificultades al programar y al organizar bien mi tiempo, terminé disfrutando este curso, por el ambiente que se vivía durante el salón de clases y por la nueva experiencia que me llevo con el modelo de aprendizaje TEC21 o Flipped Learning.

Llevo conmigo muchas cosas aprendidas en este curso acerca de programar en C++, le di continuidad por primera vez a un blog creado por mi durante todo un semestre que espero y pueda ser de utilidad en un futuro para alumnos que cursen esta materia.

Agradezco al profesor Ken Bauer y a mis compañeros por todo el apoyo que me brindaron al momento de cursar esta materia.

Course Review

I enjoyed this semester because in the last semester I felt lost for several reasons, and in this semester i didn’t feel that way. I’ve learn a lot of things more in this course than I learn last semester. The topics viewed in this course were fine and appropriated, and the difficulty was good, because the wsq were getting harder every time we completed one. This course depends a lot on how much time you are gonna spend on the class at doing the activities or quizzes. It’s highly important and recommended to do not procrastinate, because there are too many activities to accomplish. I like this way of learning because it is based on your responsibility and your attitude to learn; it make you to be more mature about you organize. I also like the extra time that they gave us on doing the quizzes. This way of learning could be a total disaster or a great success; it just depends on the student.7f77546945f948560cdc26b12b99d5ccd390c2e39d2849d3423ae7608dac066a

←←Throwback to the course ←←

En este curso de Solución de problemas con programación, aprendí muchas herramientas y temas diferentes que antes desconocía por completo. En este curso mas allá de aprender de memoria funciones o cualquier otra cosa, me sirvió mucho para analizar que es lo que yo quiero que mi computadora haga para después ejecutarlo, es por eso que lo que más aprendí aquí es a plasmar mi comprendimiento en lenguaje de programación de tal forma que pueda hacer lo que quiero pero lo mas sencillo posible.

Además de eso, aprendí muchos nuevos temas desde que es una función, hasta ejecutarlas. Gracias a que tomé un curso de computación remedial el semestre pasado, no llegue en cero a esta materia sin embargo, en mi pasado curso, solo aprendí lo que era los diagramas de flujo y un poco de programación en C#, cuando llego a este curso pensando que seria igual de sencillo me encuentro con que debo aprender que librerías usar, puesto que en c++ no estas todas descargadas y debo especificar cual usar.

Algo que ya tenia conocimiento de antes era sobre las variables, los tipos de variables que hay, la forma de imprimir las entradas y salidas por pantalla, las condicionales if/else los ciclo while, do-while y tenia el conocimiento de los ciclos For, sin embargo fue hasta en este curso cuando supe el funcionamiento de este ultimo y la facilidad de usarlos.

Otra cosa que no sabia antes de tomar esta materia fue a crear, definir funciones asi como llamarlas cuando se creen de manera externa. Por otro lado también aprendí nuevas funciones que sirven para hacer diferentes cosas que se necesiten dependiendo de tu código. el uso de los vectores para guardar diferentes datos y por ultimo, aplicar comentarios en los programas que sirven principalmente para detallar procedimientos

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Course Review

How was this course for me… I like it, because it was different to the others courses that i had this semester. In this course I learned to work by myself and to manage my time to do all the stuff in time because the teacher didn’t teach you anything, to finish the homework you need to searched all the things that you will use on the program (of course if you need help with something the teacher will help you but he never tells you how to do it). I would like to have more courses like this one in the future, for me it’s a better way to learn cause all the things that you learn stay more in your mind because you had a hard time doing it.

Course Review

Me dare la libertad de escribir este blog en español para poder expresarme de una forma más completa.

Quisiera empezar dejando claro que en este curso aprendi muchas cosas de las cuales estoy seguro que van a ser fundamentales a lo largo de mi carrera, las aprendi de una forma u otra, pero en lugar de hacer este blog muy largo y tedioso dare lo que me llevo del curso en general.

Este tipo de curso es muy diferente a los demás, porque aquí tu aprendes bajo tu propia cuenta, si, el Ken va a estar allí contigo para cualquier pregunta que necesites o duda, pero este modelo de curso se basa principalmente en el auto estudio, y en mi opinion personal siento que es algo que enriquece mucho tu aprendizaje y te hace ver los problemas desde una ángulo diferente.

Es una metodología diferente la cual probablemente no estamos preparados en este país, es un curso para las personas entusiastas de aprender y no ser conformistas.

Flipped Classroom Image.jpg

*Me gustaría aclarar que aunque este blog dice que lo subí el día mayo 5, no es así y lo estoy subiendo el 4 de mayo, no se porque hace ese cambio de horario, es igual para mis blogs pasados.

Course Review

Este post lo haré en español para que sea mas fácil expresarme.

Yo pienso que este método de aprendizaje no es fácil para todos, en especial a mi me ayudo mucho para mejorar aspectos de mi vida como por ejemplo la responsabilidad de subir los post sin tener algún calificación o una fecha de entrega. En este curso aprendí dese hacer un “Hello world” hasta poder hacer un producto punto entre vectores o contar en numero de palabras que contiene un texto  independiente. El método de tener la clase me dejaba hacer trabajos en su clase y ponerme al corriente en mi casa sin problemas. Le doy las gracias a Ken por ayudarme y enseñarme este método de clases “Tec21”

Class Review

Well guys, the semester is ending (thank God) and we needed to do a Review of the class. I made a video for this, and here is the link.

The objective of my project is to furnish and facilitate the user the problem of not knowing the lenght and/or angle of an object in an image and give it to them in known dimensions.

Talking about the angles:

  1. The first attempt was with the slope equation which they give tou you a point (x1,y1) and a slope “m”, and have to plug it into the formula : y-y1=m(x-x1), but it was really confusing.
  2. Second attempt after being explained by another student we chose to do it with vectors.
  3. We added dot product.


Talking about lenghts :

After doing several experiments we realized that the best distance from where we should take the picture was from two meters away from the object, and using a camera with a 2448 x 3264 pixeles resolution.

Here are some pictures of the code and ran in the terminal:

Captura de pantalla 2016-05-05 a las 12.50.17 a.m.Captura de pantalla 2016-05-05 a las 12.50.32 a.m.Captura de pantalla 2016-05-05 a las 12.52.10 a.m.Captura de pantalla 2016-05-05 a las 12.53.21 a.m.

and the link to the code in GitHub.