Course Review

Me dare la libertad de escribir este blog en español para poder expresarme de una forma más completa.

Quisiera empezar dejando claro que en este curso aprendi muchas cosas de las cuales estoy seguro que van a ser fundamentales a lo largo de mi carrera, las aprendi de una forma u otra, pero en lugar de hacer este blog muy largo y tedioso dare lo que me llevo del curso en general.

Este tipo de curso es muy diferente a los demás, porque aquí tu aprendes bajo tu propia cuenta, si, el Ken va a estar allí contigo para cualquier pregunta que necesites o duda, pero este modelo de curso se basa principalmente en el auto estudio, y en mi opinion personal siento que es algo que enriquece mucho tu aprendizaje y te hace ver los problemas desde una ángulo diferente.

Es una metodología diferente la cual probablemente no estamos preparados en este país, es un curso para las personas entusiastas de aprender y no ser conformistas.

Flipped Classroom Image.jpg

*Me gustaría aclarar que aunque este blog dice que lo subí el día mayo 5, no es así y lo estoy subiendo el 4 de mayo, no se porque hace ese cambio de horario, es igual para mis blogs pasados.

Word count WSQ12

Here is my blog post for the WSQ 12.

Create a program that asks the user for a word which will be your search word and the name of a file to open and search for that word. Then create a function that will receive two parameters (both string) representing those two data points. This function returns the number of occurrences of that word in that file. Here is the link to my GitHub.


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Course Review


What do I think about the course, well this is amazing because Ken evaluates you by letting you evaluate yourself; how does this works, well in order to learn you need to search on the internet and ask your classmates around on how to solve problems. Ken told us that he wasn’t going to lecture us like every other class, that he wanted us to learn on ourselves. I wanted to say that this is the best course I have ever taken, because you measure your own intelligence by asking yourself how good have you been doing during, have you been doing all the assignments, and quizes. Also in order to grade ourselves we must create a blog post for each work we work on. My conclusion is that I think this way to teach might not work on everyone but on some of us who don’t like to depend on others, just on ourselves it’s a good way to learn; also it is said that students won’t attend to class if they can’t fail by not going to class, I was there everyclass and most students were always there, also when the class was over, many of us stayed later in order to end the assignments for the day. “IN KEN WE TRUST”


Say NO to lecturing, it’s boring


In case you would like to know more abou this kind of learning, check out this links:

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3




Quiz 05

Here is my blog post to my Quiz 05.

  • Create a function called is_palindrome which receives a string as a parameter and returns true if that string is a palindrome, false otherwise. Remember that a palindrome is a word that is the same forward or backward. For full points your function must ignore case and must work with any character (not just letters). So (“Dad$dad” is a palindrome even though the D is capital and d is lower case). Here is the link for my link to GitHub.

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  • Create a function called find_threes that receives as a parameter a list (or Vector or array for C++ students) of numbers and returns the sum of all numbers in that list that are evenly divisible by 3. Note if using vectors, you will need an additional parameter to represent the number of numbers in the array. So if the list was [0,4,2,6,9,8,3,12], the function would return 30 (0+6+9+3+12). Here is my code to GitHub.

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Final Project – Sudoku

My partner in this assignment was Antonio (you can find his blog here Atonio’s blog). At first we didn’t know what to do for the project, after weeks thinking about this, we had the idea of doing a project from past courses, so we looked back to the winter course of 2015 (2015 course), and decided to do a sudoku.

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And we found a video of ken explaining a little bit all this stuff, probably is useful.

Basically , we build our code based blog posts from students in that course . Also it was very helpful this website , to understand some concepts and to create the code. This web page was very useful too.
We did this almost all the time separated, so we could not make a video.

These are the specifications:

  • Create a text based version of a Sudoku.
  • Include all the rules and instructions that apply to the game.

As always here are the links for my GitHub, one is for the code and the other si for the text file.

Working with my partner was great, at the beginning we had lack of communication because we didn’t know what to do, but I felt in confidence with Toño because we are friends and honestly it was easy for me, I think without him I couldn’t done this, we both work separated because we have different classes and different schedule, probably he worked more than me, and was hard to find something good, but at the end we looked for information and watched some videos and thats it, we did it. Is an incredible guy and if you need help with something he will help you.


For the proyect Christian and I decided to do a program with lots of programs we had been doing along the semester this includes: the simple calculator, the temperature converter, the lucky game, function calculator,  and the factorial calculator. This is our program in case you might need it CODE.











that’s the program working right there, I must give more credit to my coworker, because he did most of it. Please check out his page


My partner in this assignment was Miguel Sandoval. At first we were discussing about what to do for the final project. But he gave the idea of doing one project from another year of the same course of TC101. So we actually look at this page of a year ago, from the TC101 Winter 2015 group.

We decide to do a Sudoku.

Captura de pantalla 2016-05-04 a las 15.56.30Captura de pantalla 2016-05-04 a las 15.56.54 Basically , we build our code based blog posts from students in that course . Also it was very helpful this website , to understand some concepts and to create the code. This web page was very useful too.
We did this almost all the time separated, so we could not make a video. But Ken himself, he made a video explaining the basics of the project. How it should work and stuff. If you want to take a look a his video it’s right here.

These are the specifications:

  • Create a text based version of a Sudoku.
  • Include all the rules and instructions that apply to the game.

Here’s the link to my GitHub for the code. And here’s the second one for the text file.

Working with Miguel was hard at the beginning because we had a lack of communication about the class. And we had troubles finding the topic, but it was he’s idea to do this project and I think he did the most part of the job. I believe he’s an incredible buddy to work with, and at the end, he won’t let you down.
So we stayed one afternoon in the library and we didn’t go home until the project was finished.

Any doubt, please let us know. Thank you, and we hope to see somewhere in the future.


Mi comentario acerca del curso…

En esta entrada intentaré ser lo más sincero posible, al igual que en mi vídeo en YouTube, mi ánimo no es el de ofender a nadie ni nada por el estilo pero creo que al ser una entrada exclusivamente dedicada a mi opinión acerca de algo creo que debo de ser lo más objetivo posible y narrar mi experiencia en este semestre.


Al hacer mi horario, por razones administrativas, yo no me encargué de hacer mi horario y al cuestionar a diversos compañeros acerca de la clase que impartía el profesor Ken Bauer las opiniones fueron diferentes, por un lado me comentaban que lo aprovechara mucho, incluso lo compararon con el personaje que interpreta Pat Morita en Karate Kid, el Señor Miyagi, debido a su extraña manera de enseñar, pero que no me confundiera de que el profesor Ken sabía de lo que hablaba, lo sabía. Por otro lado los comentarios acerca de las faltas o bien, de la manera de evaluar cayeron como gotas de lluvia, esto obviamente me hizo tener una pre-idea acerca de lo que iba a pasar en el semestre pero a un día antes de presentar el examen final puedo decir que como el primer día, tengo opiniones encontradas acerca del curso con la diferencia de que ahora las opiniones son exclusivamente mías.

En algún punto del semestre tuve el placer de reunirme con Ken en su oficina y platicamos acerca de muchísimas cosas, en esta plática me pude dar cuenta de que en realidad era una persona bastante inteligente y que lo que hablaba tenía fundamentos, me pareció una persona curiosa sobre todo después cuando lo veía por los pasillos con en la ciber plaza con sus grandes audífonos. El punto central y mi gran inquietud siempre fue acerca del concepto Flipped Learning y


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